Time for another film preview before the rest of the world see it, thanks to being an unlimited member at cineworld. This time its a Journal for Jordan. Time to watch Denzel direct oh yea.
A proper mix match of people in the screening. It was either millennials like me or our parents, nothing in-between. I mean i can see exactly why these would be the 2 demographics entirely. So that was very interesting. Id also say that screen one was half full for this film, i mean it wasnt sold out but id say at least each row had about 5 people in which is good. Also the heating was working again (which was good as it then failed on Tuesday & the cinema was shut for 3 days).
Trailers, always interesting during these advanced screenings, Marry Me (oh im sold on this i am so sold), the eyes of Tammy Faye (which i had no idea was coming & now im like take me to that film), Nightmare Alley (probably depends on when its on), Cyrano (BEN!!!!!!!!) & Uncharted (bring it on Tom). Im guessing were nearing the end of award season films. They are all out soon.
& then the film started… & im sorry but i didnt connect to it until it was too late to give a shit. It was too melancholy & bland & just oh am i really watching this.
So its only the very very last part of the film which i connected too, which basically the cinema had an entire emotional breakdown about. Like every single person. There was one person who you could actually hear going wahhhhh in my screening ( it wasnt me by the way). But it took almost one of the very last scenes of the entire film to have any connection at all, which considering its a romantic sweet true story is saying alot.
& if im honest i dont think we should have had that moment. The film should have finished 20 minutes earlier at least at one point. The whole thing felt drawn out. I know we are meant to buy into their relationship & everything that had happened & what was going on with it all but we did a lot of repeating & bits that were necessary at times. It was too long for something so standard. Ending on the controversial bit (well some people would say that) would have been better.
The jumping back & forth to start with was good & it showed how both the stories grew due to certain things happening but after about 30mins we stopped for a good hour & then leapt far to far forward later on. If your going to do it like that at least be consistent with your jumping you know, do it properly & more regularly, suddenly the kid that was 2 last time we were in the now is now 15… the hell. Commit to the back & forth or not…
So many references & bits that are mentioned at the start or throughout that are then brought up again & then you do the DiCaprio meme. I mean the first couple okay, but the 8th, nah didnt need that many. Your trying to guilt me into this & make it a thing at this point. I shouldnt be having to easter egg hunt a romantics real life story cinema, nope.
It was acted okay, i mean Michael B Jordan was good, but there were point where he was trying & no one else was even on his level. Someone in our screening when it got to him working out & the arse bit did actually shout out damn, which we all giggled at.
The music at the start the 90s stuff yea that was my jam…
It didnt grab me until the end of that film & by that point id stopped caring if im honest & wasnt bothered about what happened even tho i knew what happened as we had been told at he start of the film. IT was a long wait for any kind of pay off if im honest.
It was sweet & it was okay, but its nothing to write home about. I recon if you ask me come April, did you do see Journal for Jordan what happened in it, i think ill tell you about the end but have no idea what happened in the rest of it. Its not Denzel’s best directing work lets just say that.