I know a little bit about American Football, so seeing this as a comedy was like oh okay lets see how they do this & make it fun. Also my parents havent picked when they want to see John Wick yet so lets see what this is like at 5:10 on a friday straight after work.
I freaked out for a little while thinking it was me & one other person in the screening but then another couple arrived & there 5 more people turned up for this. I was definitely the youngest person in the screening.
Trailers, Book Club 2(nope) Missing (weird cos ive seen it) Dungeons & Dragons (yes) & a national theatre thing, which i wasnt bothered by.
& then the film started… I was not expecting that to be that good & deliver on everything. Like what the hell. I even forgave the clichés… & thats saying alot. You all know how i feel about them.
So this film works on a number of levels which is brilliant.
First of all it works as a story. Considering i see a lot of films & know i was not the target audience for this at all (age wise) i was surprised that it added somethings that werent lazy for the genre. So often you watch a film aimed at an older audience & expect it to be all about that but no i was pleasantly surprised where it went. Which was very very funny.
The we get to the friendship dynamics of the film. Yes theres someone whos not well, yes theres revelations & yes theres fall outs but they all do genuinely forgive each other & get on & at no point are you worried anyones going to fall out or leave Permanent damage for another. Any arguments are easily solved & dont require rediculouse amounts of forgiveness which usually happens in these films.
& then theres the sports movie. If you have watched this Super Bowl, you i will know its insane as to what happens in it. IT was the last one i stayed up to watch the whole thing of & had the next day of work. It was insane. & yes to get to the point is cliché & contrived. However the way the actual game is edited into the film & how its done it so clever that you then forget your watching a comedy movie. Oh my it was well put together & i knew at the end it was going to follow the tropes but i was sitting there going omg despite knowing exactly how the super bowl was going to end.
Fan Fiction got a mention, in a positive way. I have never been so happy to see that. I was like oh my fucking god. Im so happy that happened. Wont mention the Stapp on though… that was for the sake of it.
I am very happy the Tom Brady was actually apart of this film. Although one of the reason i didnt give it 5 out of 5 was due to the what would Tom do & him speaking to her like her Jedi or wisdom, that was a bit much. But im glad he was in it. Could have been so easy for it to just be his silhouette. Good on him. I mean i know he doesnt need to do it & just lend his name to get people through the door but still.
There were upperty people in this film & id say 80% of them got what was coming to them & proved the real people deserve a chance too & were put in their place. It proved the underdog story even more.
As someone who loves a sporting tradition & ritual, i love that this film kept so much of that. Even as far as going to get a ladder for each start of the season. I love it. Yea i do that, im not afraid to say that at all.
There was a wing eating contest, that was hilarious & there was also so much betting & gambling going on (love to Billy Porter being a babe). But all done in a very clever subtle way to prove a point.
At no point did i feel like anything was really really forced down the viewers throat. Everything went with the flow & felt organic & the right time to tell it within the story.
This isnt the best film of the year, i already know that. Its not even close. However, it had heart & should & was about all the different underdogs in life & what friends do for others. ITs charming & fun & a warm hug & it delivered. It so has a chance of being the surprise film of the year for sure.