Its time for a movie off the most wanted to watch hit list for 2023. It was a film about 18 months ago someone said you will enjoy this when it comes out on letterboxd, so ive avoided it like the plague. When trailers come on in the cinemas ive tried to zone out. I want to know as little about this film as possible. So here i am at 6pm on a friday night ready to watch 65. Come on Adam bring the noise.
Its pretty packed. Im impressed. Id say its at least 80% full screen 6 which is good. Me sitting there as one of the only odd ones with my mando coffee. ITs mainly 2 groups millennials who love Adam Driver or the older millennials young gen x who have there teenage kids. Its pretty interesting to see. Its a mix of all sexs as well as family groups im impressed, well done movie.
Trailers, Shazam (yep), Guardians (yep) John Wick (yep) Fast x(yes) MI7(yes) what a set of trailers that is. Adrenaline pumping or what.
& then the films started… & dont believe the critics who slammed it. It was actually much better than i thought it was going to be. A Very pleasant surprise for a friday night.
I can see why they did say it though. Adoptive reluctant father figures are very in at the moment (ahem Softie Pascal {twice}) so if you want to watch that type of show or film, there are much better version you can watch for sure.
That being said considering this is all on Adam Drivers shoulders he nails it. He adds tension & worry at certain points & is such a brilliant leading man in this genre. His more recent work has been much more artsy & awards bate, so it was nice to see him go back to the world of Scifi which he owned. The kid {& the other kid} in the film were all right, but neither outshone him.
Ive seen worse CGI monsters & Dino fights recently than this one, & that includes Jurassic World. Also i loved the whole game recognises game circle of life part of it. How one nice act actually met to someones downfall.
A ticking clock without a clicking clock was good, knowing what was coming from the sky & that shit was going to go down did add to it. It made it feel when it was rushed, that it was rushed due to the time frame of the film.
The ending could have been darker, i would have preferred that if im honest. I mean i get why they did that, especially if this is a one off(which it will be) but they should have left it on a moment or let you think about it. Thats me & my over analysing film brain though wanting more from a popcorn movie than it should actually give me.
Im glad it didnt go all exposition heavy it could have easily done that, but no it didnt. IT was a job, shiz went wrong its then life & death to get back home with a few monster chases. There were enough oh crap jump moments to add the drama to it as well. & some of the more intense chases were during the day to & not at night so they couldnt cop out.
Theres a bit where they crawl through this cave. Now im not claustrophobic but darn it i was like yea this is all a bit to snug here for sure. I was glad when it was over.
It didnt need to be any longer either, 95mins was the perfect run time for it.
We didnt need the random writing with important stuff that wasnt needed at certain points. Film did give up on that about 30mins in though when it realised actually why do we need this
I had fun & a blast watching. Its a friday night beet & burger film to eat with friends. Some of them will go ahh & some people will scream run. IT almost knew what it was. Its flaw as are the flaws this genre has & that im nota monster film girl, but those in the cinema that were had an epic time. People left very happy & i had a lot of fun to start my weekend.