Yes that can be accredited to seeing Top Gun in full for the first time, but more importantly its the Return of Beach Cinema YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
Oh god ive missed beach cinema. Pre-pandemic every friday night in the summer they would try to put this on weather permitting, & last summer & most of this summer its been lovely & warm & dry on friday nights & weve just sat on Zoom looking at each other going why arent we at the beach. So they trailed it to see how many would turn up & if they could still make money off it so for one night only in 2021 it was back. WHOOP WHOOP!
I now dont have to drive to the beach its a 7min walk from my flat (well i say that its a 7min walk to the start of the area & then you have to cross the green & walk to the other end of it which is another 5 mins yay. So i got there & my girls were already waiting for me & writing for their pizza. Good thing they got there stupidly early as we had a good spot too, cheers lovies. Also because i asnt driving i could drink so i got myself a bucks fizz, havent had one since christmas, Its meant to be 40% Fizz… nah the girl mucked up in a good way mine was 80% Fizz hehehe. Oh it was good.
It was packed id would say at least 180 people down there on all sides of all ages (i say all ages anyone under the age of 20 came with a parent), but a good mix of people all sitting there in their hoddies & blankets on one of the warmest summer evening of the year. I lasted an hour before my hoddie went on & the blanket only went of for the last 20mins of the film.
& then the film tried to start but he couldnt get the picture to work & then the sound other than the planes was muffled but eventually we got there whoop… Its a very 80s film isnt it.
I know its an older film, but i had people chatting to me & stuff going on while i watched it so i wont be doing it the justice it deserves, it will be more like a cinema club review but will have some spoilers in it, i mean the films older than me for crying out loud, my friends were freaked out that it was older than all of us. I am also saying spoilers because other than the iconic bit & the music video i hadnt seen it in full so…
Being an 80s film Tom Cruise is sooooooooooooooo young in this. My lot again freaked out when i told them hes going to be 60 soon, they told me to fuck off then googled it & went my bad. I mean the boyish Tom does fit the story, however he is a much better actor now & you can tell here, as much as this was one of the films that catapulted him into superstardom, there are some bits where your just like yea thats bad acting.
I get 80s films were also all about the song & the music video & the soundtrack, but the back ground music of take my breath away everytime something romantic (we will get to the bar in a minute) or sad happened & when ever they got near a plane Danger Zone came on. That was a bit too much, at play number 3 i was like okay im done with this now, next song please.
So most of my other knowledge of Top Gun other than the iconic bits comes from Will Youngs Switch It On Music Video, so when the bar scene came on i was like right when will young on. I mean it is a funny scene especially when all the beach sings the song back to the screen that was funny. The bar is the best bit of the film.
The awkward sex scene was just well awkward. We sat there watching it going, our parents sat though this when they were our age & didnt find it creepy. Its not romantic, its not steamy, its just wrong & awkwardly filmed & not very good. Poor actors in the 80s having to be told to have fake sex like that.
Lots of Plane flying, glad that was the case & some of the filming was good, but the editing at times jumped around too much. It went from one plane to 4 to in toms seat, then goose then a different plan then toms voice then ice than the tower (the fly by was good both times). See it jumped everywhere, someone had just graduated from editing school & & went crazy on this film.
Val Kilmer was pretty good, but i guess it helps when hes playing a bad guy with no personality at all, its easy to play & then dislike him. Meg Ryan was only a foot note name in the film, this is the 80s isnt this meant to be peak Meg Ryan era?
Goose, poor Goose.
& then the volley ball which was good & enjoyable, but there was no reason as to why, & we didnt know who was on whos team what the score was & then we leave it before the end urgh.
Tom Cruise on a motorbike for no apparent reason, tick that off your bingo card.
The story line was okay, but its the same as most of Toms early work, arrogant, gets the girl, big set back goes to quit, comes back as an underdog, save the day, get the girl. Knowing that was the 80s formula for him did take the drama out of it a bit.
He also go to go back & be an instructor at Top Gun despite not winning the class, so the whole film was a waste of time…
Then when the film ended one of my friends went doesnt he pick her up in the hat & uniform at the end… they thought it was an officer & a gentleman. My eyes rolled.
Im glad ive finally seen Top Gun, its okay, its very very 80s in everything it does. But i can now go & see Maverick when its out in October yay.
But more important beach cinema was back, & i got to sit on the beach with my girls & just for get about the last 18 months & watch Jupitar shine over the moon. What a perfect way to start the weekend.