0 7 mins 6 yrs

Beach time bitches whoop. Also my sister had this on dvd & ive not watched it since she moved out so here we go.

I looked like a larry to start with all my friends were in chi at flip out & were aiming to get back at 9:15 so i was all on my own & had to give people odd looks like no you aint sitting here to save space for my friends. There was about 100 people though there which was pretty darn good if im honest.

The charity as well this week was one i am close to. It was for Lancing Park Run (note to self to set an alarm for next saturday to go jogging) so was more than happy to put a few quid in the bucket.

This week it wasnt as cold either as the week before. Well i thought it was fine, one of my friends was in a sleeping bag at the end of it she was so cold. It wasnt that bad. I only put my hoddie on but that was it.

& then the film started… well i love this film anyhow so it was always a win for me. Like last time with Beach Cinema its going to get a little mini synopsis & then we will get into it Properly, you have been warned.

So Radio Rock is a pirate Radio station which is a boat that floats out at sea & broadcasts popular pop & rock music on a frequency for people to pick up & listen to. The Government dont like this as it means they can advertise & say & do whatever they want, so set up a team to put a law in place to abolish them. This takes up the majority of the films plot with them banning any advertising & having fines for doing so,so they bring on a new DJ, they then get onto the boat & look at how the boat is to see if it can run away, 7 eventually ban all pirate radio as it stops fishing boasts sending out distress calls. The DJs & crew of the boat all decide to stay & continue to play music, only for the government to send their own boats out to catch them. In their escape the boat gets ruined & starts to sink. They send out a distress call & as the boat goes under all their listeners come & pick them up & take them back to try land. There is also a couple of side storys involving 18 year old Carl being sent to the boat by his mum, who trys fails & then succeeds in losing his virginity but also eventually realises that someone on the boat is his dad & he ends up saving him from the drowning boat. We also have DJs rivalry’s which includes the Gavin & the Count playing a game of chicken after Simons new wife actually just got on the boat to have sex with Gavin. There are various over DJ fights bonds & funny moments which are all hilarious.

The game of chicken is the greatest thing of this film, from Simon going hay guys im getting married all the way to him majestically leaping out of the water like a mermaid as the boat sinks, its just a work of art. It the fact you also dont realise the game is still going on after they leap of the mast. Thats an epic line. Were at the top… & …. well its the top. Love it. It one of those things that first time around you miss it & second time your fully invested in it.

I love that Jack Devnports Government spy character is called Twat. It brilliant. Kenneth Branagh just keeps yelling it at him & abuses him almost as much as the radio. That Christmas dinner is a bit much but it brilliant. I also like the fact that Twat in the end wants to help them & save them & is just told no let the bastards drown. Davenports voice is still immense.

Nick Frost has some of the best one liners ever in this film about sex, friendship, music & just life in general.

I’ve played back to back seekers hehe. The music in this film is just amazing it like listening to my house when i grew up.

I love the news guy too, especially with the special broadcasts about the wedding, divorce, chicken, Carl finally having sex & the boat sinking.

Another reason this film is stunning is the fact that lots of the on land bits which isnt much is film here in sussex, on our beaches piers lidos etc. But the fact hey did film it on a boat in a harbour so it rocked properly & they all had to live on it while they filmed did give it lots of a community feel.

Is it babys you can throw in a pool & they swim or does that work with adults too?

Theres a bit where Carls date sleeps with someone else & hes feeling depressed & hes sitting downstairs in misery & his friends just leave biscuits & tea for him & slowly join him & dont say a word & just sit there & he eventually goes fuck it & joins in with them. That is true friendship, it really is. I hope me & my friends have that

At the end of the day the film is special mainly for just a couple of words, written produced & directed by Richard Curtis. The man is a legend & it so quintessentially british that im sure the rest of the world watch this & go what the fuck & we all just sit there & go yay thats us. Thats shown the most during simons crying scene when he just continues like nothings gone wrong & just gets on with it through the floods of tears. That is so what we do. I did that this week at work a couple of times as life got in the way & i thought it was best to carry on as if everything was normal.

Its just a bloody lovely heart warming funny hug of a film & makes me proud to be british which says a lot right now as 80% of the time right now im not. Thanks guys for making such a classy film with an epic back track.

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