So the night came I went to bed at 12:15 a whole 1hour 15min before the show started & I woken up the following morning to pure chaos. OMFG! What the hell happened?! I watched the entire Oscars in full for the first time yesterday evening (march 1st 2017) so I can now give you my reaction to some of it.
First of all Viola Davies meant good things with her speech but did anyone else pick up that she wants us all to go grave robbing? Also that Actors are the only people who know how to live a life… yea thanks for that love, your saying my life in accounts isnt worth while? well done for alienating your audience love. Her oscar was well deserved but i dont appreciate being told that.
The whole Kimmel taking the piss out of Damon was brilliant, loved it especially the inspirational video with we brought a Zoo, playing him off & then Matt tripping him up. That was brilliant what a bromance.
Casey is now a better actor than his brother HAHAHA stick to directing Ben. It was really sweet that he was lost for words. Where as Emma Stone had his word entitlement too. Both deserving winners. Denzils face tho was a treat looking a Casay going thats my oscar you prick while he was thanking him for being his inspiration to act.
Sunny from Lion being lifted up like the lion king was to cute.
Nicole Kidmans clapping WTF seriously its like a seal.
The tour bus thing was so cool, really cool. Jen Aniston really didnt want to give up her glasses did she come on love 1 its winter no sunnys needed 2 bet you got them for free 3 it would have made the people day & 4 i bet you had hundreds of people offering you new ones after the show. Getting married by Denzil was cool & so was the guy with the selfie stick. But the person whole stole the show on the bus tour Ryan Gosling stopped & spoke to everyone at length & gave them all his gifts & goodies what a gent.
The food falling from the ceiling yes oh yes what a brilliant idea, i need that in my life in general not just the oscars.
The in memorial was so sweet, she nailed that song & it really was lovely.
So i recorded the oscars at the right time & added an extra 20mins to the recording, so when did it stop…. as Stone & Dicaprio walk off stage…. FOR FUCK SAKE! Thank god Sky Cinema on demand still had the highlights of main award still on our box.
So yea the end, i see in about 5 years time this will be winning Oscars for best drama performance. It really was like a weird movie twist. How did they get the wrong envelope, why did noone else know about this., why didnt he say stop, why did he throw her under the bus??? arch too many questions.
The reactions of the people in the crowd were amazing, we actually had a peoples eyebrow, Meryl going WTF all the other films up for best film again going oh my god we still have a chance to win oh wow.
The producer who stopped & went no should be applauded good on him & so should that camera man for panning in on the envelope. He will be up for a cinematography award next year.
So a very predictable night ended up all going to shit basically, nothing else mattered after that. what a mess but one we will remember, well at least for Pub Quizes.