The third best film of 2017 time. Gave mama & pops the option of 4 films to watch tonight desperately hoping they pick Logan Lucky… & they fucking did. Get in.
So synopsis time. The Logan Brothers are down on there luck with no job no kids & criminal records, when they suddenly realise that due to one of their former jobs they can rob a low level risk speedway meeting vault with the days taking. This will then mean that Jimmy can see his Daughter more often & Clyde can sort his life out. Along with their sister Mellie they manager to persuade the worlds best bank robber Joe Bang to join their heist, including his two brothers. Only problem is Joe is in Jail with only a few weeks left of his sentence. The Logans get Clyde sent to the same prison so the two of them can work out how to escape & persuade inmates to help them. Upon nearly completing the plan & ready to do it do they realise that Jimmys old construction job that are using the track are ahead of scheduled, which means the only day they can Rob the Speedway is the 600 Indie race, the highlight of the year, which is also Jimmys daughters beauty pageant day that he promised he would attend. The 5 of them go to do the robbery & hit a few hitches on the way Clyde loses his prosthetic arm in the money machine, the bomb doesnt go off, a speedway driver recognises one of them from a fight they previously had, & they nearly dont get the money out of the building. They do eventually do this, however after getting to his daughters beauty pageant on time & she performs his favourite song & wins, he grows a conscious & tells the authority’s where the money is anonymously. Everyone is angry with him for this & wont speak to him. However it turns out this was the plan anyhow, & he slowly starts giving people exactly what he, including a new arm for his brother, Joe gets his money, the rioters & inmates get some, & the girl he fancys gets a donation to her charity. The FBI are told by the speedway people that they no longer need to investigate the robbery as they have been covered by the insurance claim. The film ends with the heist crew all celebrating in Clydes bar toasting to themselves & their new lives & that Jimmy now has his daughter, as the FBI agent sits on the other side of the bar & joins Clyde who fancys her in a toast, as she wants to know what they are really toasting towards.
So we all know i love a heist film right its the one genre that i just love because i love working out how its done & the plans & the ways its set up & the way that there is always a twist that is just epic. This film pull it off on every level. Things go wrong that are worked around, theres comedy to it, theres some action & suspense to it, noone dies while doing it & its perfectly executed. So much so when they give up the money you go oh man really, but its his character flaw of being honest & not doing any more than he has to.
Driver & Tatum are both amazing in this film, really do bounce off each other & do have a brotherly relationship. However the star is Daniel Craig. It was his first film back after Spectre & he absolutely nails it. The fact he doesnt want out of prison as hes almost done, his crudeness, his jokes, his seriousness & sorrow. It all just works on every level & it is probably the best performance he has given in a very long time (even better than Casino Royal{dont tell him i said that}). Seriously its one of those performances you will watch & go oh yea that is bloody good.
Country Roads was a good song to have, but all i ever think about when i hear that is Mark Strong in Kingsman 2. Watch it & then let me know if thats all you will ever think about now.
Sebastian Stan is in the film for all of 4 seconds but its brilliant, how hes playing the big shot whos all the star & conscious of everything & his team mates a jerk thats really clever.
I like the cake the cake is good in the vault, to get the spray in there to set of the bomb. IT really is. Its up their with this cauliflower & the list on the fridge door. The other bit that is so throw away is the money under the tree story that you just kinda forget & then when you think all the money is gone hes just left with a spade to dig u his new money that is very cool. Thats a lot of effort to put into your writing for something so throw away which is so important & key to the film.
I like the the fact we only meet the fbi in the last 10mins of the film. Okay it is a waste of Hillary Swanks talent, but i think it makes it all the more believable. Also the fact they get close to solving it but never really do that very clever. & the fact that the race people dont really care either.
The fact she makes him drive stick to the pageant so he can show off his cars is clever as she knows it will have the horse power to get her to & from the race in time thats good. I love that fuck you penis extension step dad guy. She mugged you right off.
The mini riot in the prison is brilliant, especially when their demand is the new Game of Thrones book which doesnt actually exist & then their small fire in a bin which everyone arrives for to put out & also the fact they wrap everyone up in tin foil to keep them in place, i love that.
Its a bloody lovely story, about family & who to trust & who not to & how to not take your life for guaranteed or get too greedy with what you then get. Good life morals except the prison break out obviously. But its made with heart & soul, its so funny & its a heist film.
So glad Hollywood made an original film that has actually hit every single mark. Thanks lads.