The last one, on my Oscar list, so best think i get this up before tonight awards.
Theres a few reasons im happy to leave work early on fridays, and one of those it to catch the 4:40 film. So when a film is as long as this one thats kinda good.
I seriously think the Odeon were going shit what do we do trailer wise, we cant have oscar ones anymore & its to early to promote summer box office isnt it. So they went for Life… OMFG i want to see this film any how but it looks even better on the big screen wow. Sign me up now, i mean not to be in the film looks evil, but to see it obviously.
There were also two Charlie Human films, neither really interested me not even Jude Law made me think i want to watch King Arthur. Logan on the other hand is next week here yet?
The reason for seeing this film was to see if Viola Davis deserves all of the awards she has won. Short answer… YES! She will get the Oscar this evening & she will be queen. Its not just the snot & tears & chocking its truly mesmerising. I mean everyone else is pretty darn good too, but shes the one i really believe. Im not dissing Denzel, he was good but Casey was better.
It did feel more like something you would watch in a theatre tho than the cinema, which is why Supporting Actress is all the film is going to win. It also suffers for the fact that its out this year, any of the last couple of years it could have won best picture best actor (except when Leo won obviously) & lots more but due to last years #OscarsSoWhite there are lots of films with similar set ups, that this isnt getting all the accolades it should. At least it should win more than Hidden Figures.
Mykelti Williamson’s performance as the brother did make me cry twice. Him opening the gates to Saint Peter with his trumpet was so sweet, and then he keeps telling the same story as hes losing his memory’s & marbles reminded me of my Grandpa who has Dementia.
It was a really good film, which i probably wouldn’t have seen without my limitless card, but im so glad i did. Again she deserves her Oscar tonight, but who ever played that part would have probably won accolades.