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Its’ Time for another Top 5 rundown

1993 was when Beanie Babies were launched, Buckingham Palace Opens to the public, The first Vauxhall Corsa was sold, 3 members of one direction were born & i turned 4.

Here are the Top 5 movies of 1993

5. Jurassic Park

Confession time never seen it. But its on trend at the moment. Dinosaurs don’t really do it for me.

4. Much Ado About Nothing

Oh what a film, made all the more better that Emma Thompson was marride to Kenneth Branagh at the time. I also played the main police in our school play & stole the show with my comic timing.

3. Shindler’s List

I need to see this film i havent. I really want to. Why dont i own it????

2. Groundhog Day

Its Ground Hog day, etc you get the drill Lush movie

and the best film from 1993 goes to only one movie and it is…

1. Mrs Doubtfire

Im not emotionally ready to watch this yet, i cant i think i will cry thoughout. I always had a little sob anyhow, now i will be a blubbering mess. Dont worry pet your going to be just fine. Im welling up typing.

So that’s my top 5, if you think there should be something else in there let me know, or if youve not seen the films check them out, like i will. This is actually the first time i dont own any of the films on the list ekk.

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