2 years ago today august 11th laughter left the world when a true legend past away. Robin Williams almost felt like an uncle as he had always been there to make me smile & laugh & cry and all of a sudden he was now gone. I would never be able to go & see him live, i would never get to hear a new joke on a chat show, i would never get to see that smile again.
So this is what happens when its the last film to watch when my family are all away on holiday, Hook get brought out i’ve got white chocolate & a bucket of wine & a huge box of tissues i know im going to blub like crazy.
I was doing so well too, i got all the way to the end, when he realises he cant go & play anymore as he needs to take his kids home & that was it emotional mess. Not only do his kids know there dad is now a kind lovely fun man, but he realises his life is now all about them. Saying goodbye to the lost boys is sad especially when he says he will never forget them how could he. & then right at the end when he says to live is the greatest adventure of all is just tears o’clock. Oh i cant watch his films any more i cant im not emotionally stable to do it.
Other than that Robin gives a flawless performance as Peter Pan the boy who did grow up to become a Lawyer & have responsibilities. Only to then go back to being Peter Pan to save his kids when Hook Kidnaps them. You then suddenly realise that your lifes a bit like that, so when my Granddad rang at half 10 (as he does every night in our house to tell someone hes still alive bless him) i chatted to him for longer knowing that its the little things that you take a bit more time doing that can make someone elses day, so sorry Granddad i should spend more time chatting to you, now that Gannie’s gone. Im getting upset again now.
Dustin Hoffman as a child scared the crap out of me as hook, like he freaked me out & i didnt want to even look at him. Now as an adult, i agree with Maggie hes just a mean old man who needs love or a mummy. That being said this is a kids film still so the fact that when i first see him i still shiver a little means he did a good job 20 years ago. Hes still got some epic lines, and that wig.
Phil Collins as a police man & Gwenth Paltrow as a young Wendy are good cameos, especially now im older & appreciate them. But Julia Roberts Tinkerbell irritates me a little, maybe because she was a bit too in love with Peter. She didnt need to grow to be huge either.
How is it that Dame Maggie Smith looks younger now 20 years later than she did in Hook WTF!?!?!?!? i need that woman’s secrets, maybe she kept the philosophers stone… she is really good though i remember being a child watching her thinking wow she can act shes good. It probably her & Alan Rickman’s fault that im into films as much as i am.
The imaginary food is one of the best bits of the film as its all the off the cuff stuff that Robin starts doing with the kids that then descends into believing in the food & having the epic food fight. That must have been so much fun to film. In fact so must all of Peters training, those kids just went for it with him. Its hilarious. One of the sweet bits is when Rufio is busy saying hes not Pan & that one kid really inspects him to discover the youth of Pan still alive in the mature adult.
Anther brilliant thing i would love to do is the smashing of the clocks. That looked amazing i know its symbolic & everything but ive always wanted to do something like that especially when im pissed off. Thats why at summer fairs i love the plate smashing tents.
Rufios death as a child really shocked me you cant kill kids in a film no you cant, oh yes you fucking can. Its still poignant it teaches his son jack that he should be happy with his dad despite his flaws as he is the only one he will get. Be grateful of your parents people.
Its like at that dinner when they all stand up and honour wendy, be grateful for the hand you are dealt.
Its a really sweet lovely film, and because of the cast, and the style it was always going to live for ever but now even more it will always carry a special place in everyone’s heart. to quote Tinkerbell you know that place between awake & asleep (not inception) that’s where i will always keep you Robin Williams, & there you will always be loved & happy.