Spoilers? Seriously you all know this by now
I have a new issue with this film before we get into it & it’s one iv made. We’ve been watching the people v Oj on tv so when Oj turned up in the film I sat there & went that’s not Oj… yea I know shame on me it just seemed random another person being Oj who was actually Oj
The worst of the 3 naked gun films but still one of the coolest & funniest films ever made. Lt Frank Drebin is back to save the woman he loves the president and America from an evil villain. Sounds more like an action film than a comedy really when you put it like that.
Leslie Nielsen is the perfect comedic hero, proper legend & it’s a shame he died yes he was old but still his comedic timing was brilliant & hysterical. I know it helps that the rest of police squad are crap.
OJ & that tank gun thing seriously,he’s loveable & nieve & you feel bad for loving his character based on the fact it’s Oj. #juice
OK fun moments bit including quotes…
The fact that Jane says she can’t stop thinking about Frank & then forgets about him completely 4secs later.
Mrs Bush gets a rough time the entire film doors baloney lobsters snogs chairs her inept son as the president. Bless her give her a break.
That being said the president’s dinner is hysterical brilliant opening sequence to the film. Even the fact the oil coal & nuclear have really bad abbreviated names like spill & muck etc
The bomb the first one in the film why didn’t they notice it the people on the office, the security & the rubbish man. They are all too worried about the pretty clock. Also how come Jane & the professor don’t die but everyone else does .
Some of the out lines of the body’s are stick men or Egyptians… there’s one on the lift & there is a chair stuck in the ceiling.
There song is ding dong the witch is dead…hahaha.
All the ponsy Shit it the top of his black Russian. I do like the fact tha after the strongest thing they have is a body builder they ask for the Russian & the man faces the camera & goes nah that’s not happening this time.
The zoo escape & Oj under the bus oh good I do like the fact there’s random giraffes every now & then. & you almost completely forget about it then the villain gets eaten by a Lion.
Do you realize that because of you this city is being run by baboons? Isn’t that the people’s choice?
That dance is so mad makes strictly look Shit.
The flowers for Jane that don’t survive up the lift. Even if it was the shitty bunch he has left anthem he gets to her flat which is Noah’s arc I’d still like them.
She actually walks in the fridge & then get stuck in there, while Frank is saying all the right things yet going about it all the wrong way with the case. Also why is she putting beetroot & sausage in a shake eww.
The singing & bathroom fight is so random & would never ever work ever again. It’s so crazy, but what a way to die by hose pipe.
Oh the ghost scene with the 3rd pair of hands, the fake body & the ashtray made from clay.
Iv been swimming in raw sewage… I love it. only to revel he is wired with like a boom box & really obvious stuff. How did it survive the water & dog chase.
Poor professor he get properly taken out by Frank while trying to save them. How mug stuff was on that top shelf. But I didn’t see the captain getting beaten up by the bad guy.
The Mexicans that’s all I need to say. Hahahahahahaha
Everyone standing up at dinner as they all think they are being accused, and then 5mins in to the speech everyones different sleeping arrangements, thank god for the erotic literature. Trust OJ to fuck it all up though.
The Bomb can the stopped by pulling the plug out??? cop out of the century.
Im more scared of dead mice then alive ones so Jane had best man up about it.
Its sweet that he eventually gets the Ozone layer bit correct, proves he really does love her.
This is a really funny film despite it being the worst of the three, but without this i guess we dont get 33 & a third so fair enough