Family Easter trip… even tho the youngest of us is 22. But no the conought in Worthing for £4 Sunday saver was graced by our presence. Along with about 100 other people.
Another trailer for the Howard from big bang theory playing the piano for Streep. But that was it no other adverts at all really Worthing are clearly showing nothing in the next month. Not even like 15mins of normal xxx trailers before the film
So the film then…
The happiest film I’ve ever seen.
So inspiring & wonderful & feel good & moving just brilliant came out smiling with tears falling down my cheeks. Seriously it’s amazing.
Eddie the Eagle is a real life story which is played out on the big screen. It’s true to real life all you need is a quick google for a basic knowledge.
Taron Egerton & Hugh Jackman slow the screen & put in the best bromance performance for years. Not that I think Hugh was acting I just think he was playing Hugh Jackman.
Amazing cast how they managed to get all those famous a star actors into a british indi ish film. It was just amazing. Including Keith Allen & Christopher Walken… yes he is in the fucking film how the hell did that occur.
Iv loved the idea of this film since I heard about it a year ago, & now I am actually thinking of pre ordering on DVD this second. Aim for your dreams kids if Eddie can do it you can, no matter how mad it is. I know you can do it.