When you started watching Bridget Jones in your preteens thinking its the coolest thing in the world & now you are at the age she was in the first two films, & your single & you write & blog about your life & problems… yea thats where i am. So its time to go see what the latest outing has to offer on this friday night a week after its come out.
I avoided this last weekend, because i was like no im not going to sit in a cinema full of couples around valentines, nope no thanks. My 6:15 screening was still 80% full on the second friday. Mainly millennials, not gonna lie we were all the people who watched & laughed at this while our parents sat there & nodded. So im very happy with that. I had a lovely gay couple next me me. One of them was called Chris & he liked my green dress.
Trailers, Danny Dyers new one (does look fun), How to train your dragon, Death of a unicorn & Novocaine. Right mix of it. Also if you get there for adverts before trailers at the moment theres an even more funnier version of the Danny Dyer trailer.
& then the film started… The gay couple next to me blubbed for the entire film… & i thought i got emotional.
I mean i still cried twice. Im not afraid to say that. There was one moment that happened early on, not Marks death (its in the trailers & book & in the synopsis that this has happened so its not like thats a spoiler) but someone elses death made me cry early on. I was angry they did that & then there was a bit with the balloons too which was super emotional & sweer & i think that was where the film should have ended if im honest. She had been through her stages of grief & was accepting her life as it was. The next 30 minutes felt like it was added on because the film needed a happy ending. Life isnt always happy ending, thats been what she was saying for the whole film so why did she need one. It would have been more poetic. Im sorry it would have.
It was also very funny. Lots of people were laughing. There were also a lot more call backs & easter eggs to the previous ones & im glad her friends were in it a bit more than the last film too, okay they werent in it as much as they used to be still but last time they were put it in because they felt like they needed to be back in the film, does that make sense.
Hugh Grant, the legend that you are being Sleezy Daniel, loved it especially talking about Tiny boots & being kinky, loved it. Never change sir. I mean not that they ever really explained how he died in the last one & was now back.
The first romance was really nice but the second one never really felt like a romance until the very end. However neither of them had the chemistry with her anyone else has had (& thats including Patrick Dempsey in the last one) but one of them earnt a moment that they didnt deserve & that pissed me off. If im honest that one moment made me deduct a star from my rating. No you dont need to do that movie. He was sweet but he didnt deserve that.
Im glad she still adds narration to it. I liked that. Proved it was still her diary, especially the one where she goes oooh a generation that asks for consent, that was greeted with a hum of appreciation from the cinema.
When Nico turned up as the baby sitter i shouted yes, but why was Isla Fisher a Neighbour we saw once & then never saw again. Also some of the other parents & new adults in it were just irrigating, like urgh. Also Uperty people again, Fuck them.
I get the owl but what was with it. The kid never really said she thought it was dad, but still.
Careers day was a highlight for sure, it all kicked off their, one of the funniest scenes of the movie.
COME THE FUCK ON BRIDGET! Im so glad that line came back.
This is a decent rom com, but its not the first or the second of these films. Maybe now being bridgets original age makes you realise a few things & takes some of the fun otu of it, but it was still nice & sweet & funny. Maybe a bit more spice would have made it better. You can see a lot worse rom coms out there than this for sure.