Im done with work for 2024 woohoo. What a way to celebrate than going to the cinema & watching the 8:15 pm showing of Sonic 3 which even though it isnt, it will be an adult only showing. Lets be honest who is going to take there 6 year old to see this when it wont start until 8:30 at the earliest.
I did however muck up my times & traffic was mega, so i walked in as the trailers were showing better man & then Thunderbolts & that was that. However from what i saw maybe like 3 teenager groups but it was a decent size umber of people & it was mainly millennials & gen z who played the games that were there for this.
& then the film started… Not as good as the second, but once again this delivers on its popcorn value.
Going to what was almost an all adults screening is a lot of fun because you all laugh at the adult jokes & the story they tell. Some kids jokes got a mild bit of laughter but more a tittle from us. But there was one point where shit was going down & Jim Carey Seriously said “Mute, unsubscribe, report & block” & that got the biggest laugh in the room. Seriously like i think we missed the next joke. We all laughed so hard. It was so quick & was done so well. It aimed for the parents & then went ahhh kids film, lets throw in the wackiness too.
The sonic films listen to the fans, because from the moment they said oooh sonic film back in 2017 everyone went Keanu has to be Shadow, 7 years later we got that casting & much like when they redesigned sonic, they nailed it. Shadow used so many game moves, its will brilliant. & that voice just worked. So much so that when Idris popped up to be Knuckles you were like ahhhhhhh of course hes in this (fyi love the voice recording with the gloves Idris keep it up). Shadow was very much a PG John Wick, but hey if these kids that watch this find John Wick in 10 years time, they are on for a winner.
Jim Carey is always so good. He get to turn up, be goofy, betray everyone, have a legit reason for it & then just be cool & here (its in the trailer its not a spoiler) hes doing double time, playing his Grandpa. I love that they call it out too. That got a laugh. But yea two count olafs, happy days. Hes been on the biggest journey though, Robotnik, Eggman whatever your version of him is, he is now full on crazy. So much so that the McGuffin they spend most of the film hunting for has his tash. HEHE Details peoples.
We did have less video game stuff than in the first one, but this felt more of a complete story. They just got on with telling it (also less other human side quests too). But when we did do the fights & the game stuff, it was very cleverly done & worked well. They have sorted the balance now. I can accept this level of it.
It was a simple enough story for kids, all the gadgets were easy to explain & it took you around the world too. I love that someone said they were Pokemon that was so cute. Also when the coffee guy called Tails adorable… i felt that cos lets be honest… Thats me. I am still a tails girl i always will be. Wish we got more of Tails but i understand why we dont. It my fault for liking the side kick.
Really good life lessons & morals for kids all the way through. It is at times a little obvious where its going but i think kids will look at that & go you know what maybe team work is important. & Shadows story as well is very sad, but shows a different sort of empathy & life lesson. He does go on one hell of a journey.
We have a credit scene people, & since then we have found out we are getting a forth film which is good.
This are solid kids films, with a simple story, good life lessons, comedy, action, & comedy all thrown in together, but lets be honest your kids are only watching these because you as the parent or aunt or uncle or grand parent, played the sonic games &they are also so aimed at you for the nostalgia over load. This is perfectly fine & fun & a good way to start off my christmas break.