& then there was 1… This is film 99 of 100! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I know im shocked too. We are well ahead. & what a better way to celebrate it than having it the day after my birthday as apart of the Hugh Grant Renaissance. Lets go for some horror.
Id say my screening was half full for the 6pm showing which was good. Mainly millennials a couple of gen Zs but no one older than 50 for this, which was what i was expecting.
Trailers, Night Bitch, Conclave, Gladiator II & this house about a house that looks haunted but there was no real explanation as to why it was. I cant remember what it was called, but i think i will be avoiding it for sure.
& then the film started… For once religion was pushed down my throat in the correct way.
If the academy took horror seriously, Hugh would be being considered for award season, but they dont. I am so here for the renaissance & hes just owning it all. I love it. He just bosses it & is so so creepy. He does ask some very good question & point some very important points out about religion. Its very off putting, but it proves the man is a very very good actor who should be taken much more seriously.
The two girls were alright, but they were week. I know they are naïve, but there are points where they are trying a bit to hard in this film. Especially when they dont share a scene with Hugh. They are good in the only scene on their own when they scream for help which proves a point. Only there desperate acting was good when he wasnt there.
I get that he film wanted to make a point but it took far too bloody long to get there, it really did. Bit like religion really. YEs Religion was pushed down my throat about what you believe in or not, but it was no particular religion in general. All were mentioned & pulled apart & stuck together. This will either make people with religion love it or hate it. There will be nothing in between. As someone who isnt religious, it jsut felt like a long time to get to the point with some very clever metaphors.
Who had JarJar Binks being on their Bingo Card for this film? Hands up… i know someone did…
There is a point in act 3 where something happens & the guy next to me full on freaked out & was like ahhhhhhhhh at it. Yes it was shocking, but there had been a lack of jump scares for sure. Maybe thats what freaked him out that it had all been in his mind apart from two maybe three ahhh moments. Nothing was making you leap but i think that guy could have hit the celling.
The last 5 minutes of the film, made the previous 1 hour 45 pointless. It was weird. Why undo all that hard work just for a moment. It didnt add to anything. It didnt even really provide redemption or closure. IT was just a bit of an irritation. It lost half a star for that moment.
Why did no one else think to go looking for those girls, & why didnt that guy go in to check? Just felt half hearted. Someone would have done more for that.
The opening shot to them sitting on that bench was some lush cinematography & the way the credits were peppered through it, that was a feast for the eyes.
It took to long to get to the point, but i guess that is religion. Its worth it for Grant, but thats about it. A good idea & concept but it lacked some of the acting & ruined the ending, to mean this just became a little bit average.