Friday night straight after work for the cinema. I love doing this, it gets the weekend off to a good start, especially a long weekend with an extra day off at the end. So tonight its time to see how much of a murder mystery blink twice is & who really is the bad guy in it.
My screening which was the smallest screen my cineworld has was half sold out, so i think they have clearly mis underestimated the number of people who want to see this film for sure. It was mainly millennials like me which is always nice to see. Although lets be honest with the cast & Zoe directing i think it was always going to be us.
Trailers, Speak no evil (i need to see this just to know whats really going down because the trailer is every day) Lee (maybe) sing sing (yes) Gladiator (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) & the never let go (ive seen the trailer no)
& then the film started… Damn!
So until 24hours before i saw this film, i thought it was a murder mystery with a bit of horror thrown in. & then i saw the warning on social media about who to speak to if the film triggers people. Then as i walked into screen 7 there was a warning on the door. Then the BBFC classification came up with the normal warning & then the warning that was posted on social media appeared saying if the film is to much to speak to staff afterwards if you want a refund as this film wont be for everyone. WOW! Thats how you deal with a film about abuse & sexual exploitation. Thats how you do it.
That being said there were only a few times when it was shown in the movie & each time it was horrific & horrible & you just sat there as a woman going this is our worst nightmare & is exactly what we worry about all the time. Its not nice thinking all of this. Where i live isnt the best place but the road i live down is decent, however if you walk home at night you have to go under a bridge which isnt the best & theres a few not so nice place by it so even in w group of 3 your like hmmm dont really want to be here as a group of girls. Im a strong independent woman & i still almost run down that road while on the phone to someone. So when someone started getting their revenge in this film, one of the people in my screening actually punched the air & went yesssssss. & then as we left the film on the way out a man said to his girl, im sorry on behalf of all men that you live with that fear.
Zoe for a directing debut owned it. She worked that script & made the visuals make you kind of film off balance like the characters in the film. If this is the start, its going to be a bright future for her. Maybe stay behind the camera now.
Channing Tatum… Wow. Ive said this a few times recently that hes owning his serious roles. He really is. He doesnt do much for a little while & then when shit goes down & he gives those talks & then that Im Sorry(lost count how many times he said Sorry) speech it was phenomenal & showed him at his acting best. That moment will stick in my mind for a long long time. IT was powerful because it wasnt sincere. He will get an oscar at some point in the next 5 years.
The island really was to good to be true & so were all those other people, it was a bit too much. I would have been like yea im off now bye peoples.
I love how we are made to think some people are going to be the villains of the piece but its actually others.
I dont like snakes, but maybe after this they could be helpful going forward.
I think it missed out on some character backstory & some exposition as to how or why stuff was happening & why he had to apologise at the start & what was going down & why he had this island, but i think that also works to its confusing nature. It want you to be unsure like the victims.
So much nail art, what a McGuffin.
A few minor tweaks here & there & this would have been a buzzer contender for sure. Its horrific but in a really good way. This is how you do a film that deals with abuse & control hollywood. You dont sugar coat it, you make sure its evil, like the real thing.