Advanced preview time yay woohoo. Its been a while my friend but here we are at 7pm on a monday, when i am tired & could really do with actually being at home but no im not. Instead i am here to watch a 3hour Kevin Costner western movie, lets do this.
Theres about 30 other people in screen 1 to watch this. I know that westerns arent for everyone especially ones that are so long, but i thought there would be a few more unlimited customers other than me.
Trailers, Kinds of Kindness, Deadpool, Joker & Maxxine. A weird little bunch, also not much you can guess for what the next advanced preview will be from that.
& then the film started… I think a lot of my issues with this film is that it is going to be chapter 1 of 4 & chapter 1 was 3 hours long.
So i get that its a long story i really do but Kevin Costner (whos directing them all to by the way) doesnt turn up until 1hour 10mins into the film. Yea i know & hes meant to be the hero in all of this & the reason to watch it. I get he will be more in the rest of the film going forward but other than saving a woman & baby, who he didnt intend on saving cos he literally wanted a quick shag, hes done nothing so far in this film.
There are only 2 people i care about properly in this film & thats the two army guys. Minor parts but they are the only relatable good characters in this so far & they look like they are being shipped off to war. So they probably will die horrifically in Chapter 2 & we wont see them again.
The little village being taken down that was phenomenal & also scary, but also why were they not sent ot go & live with the others & go with the army. Seems a bit odd. At least i now know where Sam Worthington was & he was used for something decent unlike the film i watched him in last week. Him & Yundo are decent & are the two best actors in the film for sure.
I get that this is a much larger story to tell & we are going to meet people along the way at different points like in a book, but why the heck did we meet that convoy with about 40mins to go. Yes they yelled at a posh woman but still. Bring them in at the start of the next chapter, all im going to remember is that they dont like thunder & shes a moany bitch. But yea it felt odd to do that then.
Did we get to Horizon? No i dont think we did. If it was that town that was taken out straight away it seemed like a waste of time to make that the focal point.
It was full on & violent & very disturbing at points, but so it would have been back then, it wouldnt have been nice. Scalping always makes me feel a little sick if im honest. I wish films wouldnt do that. But yet there were so many lulls between parts i was expecting there to be more towns being taken out & more conflict then there was. When i got violent it went for it, but it paced it wrong throughout the film.
So i sat there for 2hours 56minutes & as the film ends theres basically the last scene of the film is filled with dramatic music to make you come back & watch the 2nd chapter at the very least. Mate, im sat here, if ive got to this part of the film without leaving (which 6 people did by the way) or turning off, im likely to watch chapter 2. Bollocks to you doing that we didnt need that for 5minutes.
We did leap all over the place too time wise. Some gaps of time looked like it took years & then wed go back to something that was on the next day. It was really odd to show it this way. I am also not sure (okay ive probably got what about 6hours at least to get to this point) how they are going to get all these people to link together. They are all doing so many different things. Its going to be a hard job.
It wasnt the best written script ever but then again this is meant to be a western, but then it wasnt westerny enough if that makes sense.
I know i should judge this as a 4 part story, but chapter 2 (which we now arent getting in august like we were promised urgh) had better get onto give us a few more reasons to root for these people, because if they dont, i might not watch chapter 3.
Also the run time does put people off two so no wonder no one but film nerds like me went to go & see this at the cinema.