This is the 2nd greatest Christmas film of all time. Yep Die Hard the film that’s older than me. It’s also one of my favourite films ever.
I’m going to give you a personal back story now so bear with. When I was 8 I saw the trailer for Die Hard, & said to my mum & dad that I wanted to watch it. So my mum said she would record it for me so she could talk me through it. So before I sat down to watch it, she basically spoiled it all for me telling me that when this happens it’s not real he’s an actor blah bla & that if I wanted to stop watching it at any point I could & that I had to promise not to have nightmares & freak out. So I watched it in its entirety & oh God it was lush.
On Saturday when I watched it my parents & sister were out so I decided to watch it. By the end everyone was back home watching it with me.
Bruce Willis make John Mclane iconic & the true action hero. It’s not slapstick it’s honest & true & you just know that it’s going to be the night of his life. His have a go hero is just amazing…
That being said Alan Rickmans Hans Gruber just steals the show. Maybe it’s being British but if it had been an American I don’t think the film would have been so good. He just takes it up another level. Hes got some amazing quotes which I will get to later on.
The air travel trick with making fists with your toes on the carpet does work… If your hotel or apartment does have carpet. Yes iv suffered that fate, doesn’t stop the nose bleeds tho.
Argile is the man I want as my taxi driver. I want to know how is limo was so dirty if it’s his first time driving it. & how does he know it’s the girls day off if he’s not done it, & then why is it so messy? His party with the bear is amazing also at the end the bear isn’t in the back seat is it.
Karl is properly psycho the way I always want my Hollywood terrorists, it does take mclane to do that to him by killing his brother , whom my dad pointed out looked like Jurgen Klopp. Just think for a second. #stopforklopp yep it’s him. Now I have machine gun Ho Ho Ho!
This is one thing I don’t get in movies in order to get the hero all his action time they always have 100s of hench men who get killed first who are really bad at their jobs. This isn’t die hards fault most of them do have jobs but none of them can shoot can they. I know they also only have about 15 people but still you know.
Mr Tikcargis death is brilliant. I am going to count to 3 there won’t be a 4. The fact that Theo & Karl bet on if he’s going to give them the code is brilliant shows that they always knew what was going to happen really. His blood splattering over the glass is one of the coolest moments on film.
Even there conversation before we get to the threatening part is amazing.
Nice suit Paul Smith London I have 2 myself
When Alexander looked upon his wonder he cried a tears as there were no more worlds to concour (miss you Steve Waddell)
Its a very nice suit id hate to ruin it
It’s a please to meet you
& then the infer-mos as he pulls the trigger ok we will do it the hard way.
Ellis deserved what he got. The fact that John points out that he missed his coke & it’s still there is brilliant. When I did first see it I did think he was going to give away holly. So it’s even sweeter that he dies but let’s be honest he is a hero he did buy her the Rolex which saves their lives.
The best thing is when he’s negotiating to get out of it he asks for coke… But they get him the drink it’s just brilliant. I do like the fact that once his head is exploded when the camera moves around you can see through the hole in his head along with the blood dripping down the chair just brilliant.
Special agent Johnson & Johnson from the fbi were tears weren’t they. Why didnt they try to find out who mclane was before going in all guns blazing. Dwayne Robertson nails it tho… I think we’re going to need some more fbi guys I guess.
Theo there computer hacker is probably who I would be of I were in the film. Some amazing line.
Twas the night before Christmas & all through the house not a creature was storing except the 4 arseholes coming in the rear & standard 2 by 2 cover formation.
The quarter back is toast(literally)
You didn’t bring me along for my charming personality
whole vault opening scene too is brilliant not only do you get Hans going its Christmas Theo it’s the time of miracles (which I actually got into a conversation st work last week) but the fbi help him to get his final lock by cutting the power. Up comes the Christmas music & the huge vault open with all the baddys being proud of there work & Theo just nods grins & whispers merry Christmas.
Who are the Asian Dawn? Iv never seen them in time magazine.
I’m glad on my version you do see John pull all the glass out of his feet it’s horrific but it would be what would happen wouldn’t it. Shooting the glass hehe. Serves him right for making fists with his toes.
Yippee Ki YaY Mother Fucker is one of the all time quotable lines from films. Truely iconic. Along with when he is stuck in the air-conditioning in the lift. That Photo is almost as famous as the film. Do you think when they shoot that part they knew it was going to change everyones lives.
My favourite part of the whole movie is when they get into the vault & the FBI tell them they are coming to get them as a trick and Hans just says the following
We send them up, there helicopters touch down, we blow the roof, they spend 4 months searching through the rubble & by the time they work out what went wrong, we will be sitting on a beach earning 20%
Lets be honest it is an amazing film i love it to death, sure its not your traditional happy christmas film but i dont care. I love it to death and am so happy my mum let me see it nearly 20 years ago.
Its not Christmas until you see Hans Gruber fall from the 30th floor of the Nakatomi Plaza.