Sorry Furiosa, i was meant to get to you a little earlier than i was meant to but then this fell into my hands on the 2nd week with a better timing for me. So here i am almost a week after the film came out to see this. My bad, but im here & im very hyped for this on this friday afternoon. Lets go a bit Batshit Crazy.
Screen 4 had about 30 people in which is pretty good, im impressed with that. Considering its been out for a week as well. Thats bloody good.
Trailers, Bad Boys, Boarderlands, Quiet place, Deadpool & there was one more ahhh it was twisters, that was it. Go Glen Powell. Its going to be his summer for sure.
& then the film started… Well if you enjoyed Fury Road this is going to make you go ahhhhhhhhh but in such a good way.
We need Hemsworth being a bad guy more often & defiantly allow his aussiness to come through peoples, because its bat shit but incredible. He owned it so so much especially as for a long time it was all about him & not Furiosa. I mean it was about Furiosa, but Anya doesnt turn up to nearly an hour into the film. I mean young Furiosa was good by Anya when she turned up, damn the stakes were raised. I also love the fact that Anya & Chris dont have too much screen time together & when they do its so go & you can cut the tension with a knife.
We actually had more of a plot this time than in fury road which was nice. Fury road was more just about the chase & the kaboom & the chaos, but this one the back story & then actual story was so good. It answered a few of my questions i still had from the last one. It meant i cared more for all of the characters in the film too. It wasnt just survive or die. I was invested in almost everyone.
The chases & violence & explosion all worked really well & wasnt just for the sake of it being the end of the world, it was to prove a point. I mean powerful men are dicks lets be honest, but they all had reasons to do stuff & it had a point to it. I loved that we knew all the different areas too.
Some of the torture & violence was grim at points. 2 people walked out after the motorbike split up, that makes sense if youve seen it. I like the fact it doesnt hold back. It proves it is survival of the fittest & dog eat dog out there for sure. What would you do in that circumstance? The arm removal we dont really see but ewwwwwwww.
Whats with Mad Max films killing lizards? poor lizards, guessing George Miller doesnt like them.
I love that this one ends exactly where Fury Road begins, i was wondering how they were going to do that, to make it all tie in, but it was seamless.
I love that we saw how the war rig was built & how their way of life managed to survive. Also i love all those hundred of bikes moving together, that was so impressive & cool. yea lots of deaths via bike for sure.
There are a few shoots in this film that in years to come they will pop up as the ultimate iconic shot. Were talking McLane in the air vent, were talking WHATS IN THE BOX?, were talking Indi shooting when it should be a fight. Yea theres a few here that in 15 years time will just be so cool. Some very cool deaths too.
I love that we had 5 acts & that each one was about 25 mins long, that was cool. You knew exactly where you stood & it worked.
Its not the best script at points, but i think the feel of the movie & the drive & willing to survive moments keep you on the edge of your seat through it, that you forgive the film for it. You dont actually realise until you get up to leave the cinema that youve been sat there for 2hours 30mins, because the pacing is on point so well.
Im glad we got the silver paint on the mouths explained too, that was good.
Well its taken a while for me to sit here & go theres another golden buzzer contender for the year, but we finally have one woohoo. I really didnt think it would be this, but it just bloody worked & was super cool & i had a blast & shame on you all for not going to see this at the cinema. doom on you all.