Time for a kids film & a film that looks like this could be a lot of fun if Reynolds delivers & owns it. Its time to go & meet all the IF’s & see if this is worthy of a future family classic.
Not that many people in my 5:50 showing of this on a tuesday, i was hoping for a few more if im honest. Oh well. Mainly 1 parent with two kids a young teen & pre teen were the main demographic for this which makes sense, that is the target audience for this.
Trailers, inside out, despicable me, Garfield & i cant remember what the other one was. Urgh that going to do my head in. It wasnt wild robot by the way or wicked… meh whatever it was im sure kids will love it.
& then the film started… Ohhhh that did exactly what it was supposed too, but i think could have pushed it further.
I cried twice. Im sorry i did. Dont be a soft misunderstood dad John with Kids who dont embrace you. Its painful to watch the heartbreak each time & also i cried when someone saw someone too. Yeas wasnt expecting that i would need tissues for this one.
So when i saw the trailer i wrote down in my notes a theory i had & then the more teaser i saw i was like oooh im 100% right & guess what when the “twist” was revealed, i called it. Maybe im to good for my own self now & ruin my own fun but im pretty sure if you were 14 & saw this film you could work it out.
I love all the IFs. FWB almost breaking the fourth wall was cool but im guessing none of the kids would get why that was funny & Carell well hes just bankable for this type of role. He really is. But all the other people who are IFs too. I mean Clooney as a space man, & that Sunflower even had Matt Damons little pout he does.
Ryan was good, but he wasnt the lead. There were point in the film where i forgot he was in it after he was introduced. Considering this film is built its hype on his performance, it wasnt his film. It was the kids. The kid was good but i just expected a little bit more from Ryan. I wasnt expecting full Deadpool vibes but maybe the level down from that. Does that make sense? He clearly made this so his kids could see him in something.
A Croissant!? IT was huge. Id be motivated by smelling & eating that too. Hehe. Good job movie.
Some of the interactions between the girl & the IFs was cool especially when others couldnt see, but i think we needed a bit more of that.
Is every kids film at the moment going down a lost parent or dead parent root at the moment? Have they all realised thats the secret to the house of mouse & are finally going okay its our turn to go for it & then they have all gone for it at the same time.
So there is no way in 4 years that she has not stayed or visited grandma. No way. Also why go back to that hospital if you all have bad memories from it. You clearly dont live in this state. That was a huge plot hole. I just dont get it. Unless it was the best place for one thing (which it clearly wasnt because all sorts of people were at that hospital) then why go back.
There were some good life lessons too. Im sure a lots of kids could learn a few things from it.
The IF retirement home part of the movie took up a bit to much of the film if im honest. We didnt need to spend so long there, & the auditions which were the best part of it were done far too shortly.
Did that Grandma every worry that her Grandkid was just walking around New York on her own?
The best way to sum up this film is to quote the movie Step Brothers… never give up your dinosaur. Dont forget what molds you & still love your inner kid when you can beacuse your imagination is incredible & you can rise through everything.
It was fun & sweet. I get im not the target audiance, but all the families i saw leave look like they had an amazing time.