Friday night at 6pm at cineworld is quickly becoming my horror movie night. It really is. Means i can get home at a decent time & not go to bed having nightmares, so ive seen the trailer for this a few times on the big screen & im hoping it will deliver. I also didnt know this was based on a film made about 15 years ago, so im not sure if i should have that prior knowledge or not. Im going in blind.
There was about 20 other people in the screening with me for the 6pm showing in screen 8. Which is fair enough. Mainly millennials. I get people want to be scared at night in the dark so that makes sense.
Trailers… Trap, the Watchers, the rope film with Halley Berry, Russell crow being an exorcist again, Bad Boys & Furiosa. Not many adverts but a fuck ton of trailers. I much prefer that.
& then the film started… Well i hope chapter 2 & 3 have the answers i need.
I knew before i went in that this was act 1 of 3 for sure, but this was a bit too well were just going to track people down & kill them for the sake of it. There was no face reveal or reason to it. It clearly was an act 1 but it wasnt a well explained act 1. Chapter 2 needs a fuck ton of exposition for this to make sense.
There is a end credit scene, which i was like hang on… if this is act 1 we dont need that. the film can fuck off for doing that, making me have even more questions.
My main question is, was it all in her head? Did any of it happen? because they kept mentioning she smoked & used to be high & might have needed some help before but still.
Also those two little kids, that was never explained at all. Those godly one. Urgh.
There where 2 main jumps scares, & one of them was inhaler related.
Why was that town weird? It was never explained why.
Also i dont care how late it is & how broken down the car is im not staying in a freaky air bnb in the woods fuck that. & ive stayed in an old vicarage for an air bnb, & when we got there we did all the checks to make sure no one was going to come & murder us in the night if that makes sense. They were bloody naïve.
Got to love a nail in a horror film cliché. A Quiet Place really got that back in peoples minds didnt they. It was so obviously going to happen that it felt lazy.
Why hadnt they noticed the stuff in the bedroom on the walls before that point, had they not been in there before.
They were also so so crap at running away from shit too. Like seriously. If your life’s on the line you go. Idiots. They were not made for horror films these two.
I didnt enjoy this. It was horror & grimness for the sake of it & i was only freaked out by the masks & stalkiness of it all. My problem though is i need answers, which mean i need to watch the next two film in this series, just to see if it actually pays off. & that irritates me a lot, so these film had better get better in chapter 2.