Oh Sir Danny Boyle. This is why we have the season at the moment, because its been 30 years since this film came out & until Danny Boyle season was announced i had no idea it was a thing, so here i am on a tuesday again to watch another cult classic.
Not as full as Sunshine last week, id say screen 1 was half full. It was more older millennials or the gen above for sure, not many people younger than me in the cinema at all.
All the trailers except Mad Max were horror based, the watchers, the strangers, some film with a rope & kids tied to it. So yea that was interesting.
& then the film started(another retro BBFC card)… yea this was clearly early Danny you can see where now where he has developed his style for sure.
I will be kind of spoiling this. I mean it is 30 years old so… thats your warning, although if im honest i didnt know this was a film until 10 days before seeing it.
This was so early 90s it was a bit painful if im honest & i bloody love the 90s. It was cool being a little kid in the 90s. Like the hair & clothes & the phone i got. But the cars, the bad jobs, the weird TV (did not expect to see Chris Tarrant) & the whole attitude to everything. It was all a bit too much & just embarrassing at points.
Why was Kerry Fox the Lead in this? Chris was a leading name already & Ewan you could tell had talent bless him, & yes i get they were all growing & getting better but still, she hardly did anything either. Also Danny so added a topless scene just because he could there was no need for that or the voyeurism at points.
Poor Keith Allen, he didnt last long did he.
Id just like to say the accountants have moved on that from the 90s & were not all boring. I know its the joke but still. That being said Christophers character arch was so good & compelling i loved it. So so good. Very freaky & he needed therapy for sure.
Drawing straws, awkward but still. Also he then didnt have to do the rest later on. But the whole bodies getting rid of was actually funny. Im not sure it was meant to be but still. A bit grim at points. They were the 3 worst people to deal with bodies.
We did go from a long act 1 to a short act 2 & then a really long act 3. IT was oddly paced.
We knew the guys wanted Keith but we still have no idea why they did, where he got the money? Unanswered questions which needed a bit more information would have been good.
Was the other flat break in just a coincidence? That was never really explained.
The meeting the new flat mates was fun, made the film a lot more fun to start with than it actually was. IT needed to sort out the tone shift of the movie better.
The opening of the drive through Scotland to get to that massive flat was so Danny. Also 3 people in their early 20s having a flat like that? Fuck off! even in the 90s no way pepe. & how big & empty was that bloody attic? seriously? crazy. That would now be renting for like £800 a month (just the attic).
Im glad ive seen i & Danny has made much better films since. It was blood y& grim but decent for a first movie & was very 90s. Worth it if your trying to watch all of Sir Dannys work but other wise, its just good.