Spoilers well that all depends actually on which order you watch
First of all Star Wars films while I’m reviewing them on here will not be named as episodes. Ie this isn’t episode 4 a New hope it’s just called Star Wars.
Also I’m reviewing it in the correct order, date order. Otherwise there is no twist when you get to the next film.
So here is the film that changed the world of cinema & SciFi well actually if you think about it the 2nd one did too. But Star Wars just changed the game. The fact that the world is excited for 2 weeks time says a lot about its legacy.
Let’s get one thing out the way Gredo shot first. We are all in agreement correct. Good glad that’s done.
Why did Obi-Wan Kenobi call himself old Ben Kenobi? Why not go for John Smith or something completely unrelated. Also he didn’t own R2D2 he was Anikens so he was correct in that respect, also lets say Luke is like 16 or 18 when this all happens what happened to Obi in that time to make him forget R2D2? He was still a big part of his life.
The other huge talking point is that the storm troopers kill a couple of people in the first scene… Was that it for the whole franchise, after that did they go well we took over a ship were clearly good enough let’s just not bother now. They then hit no one ever, even the bit where they kill the sand people, with the blasters nope must have been someone else that killed them.
It’s a bit much for a PG for Luke’s Aunt & Uncle to be skinned & burned alive it still makes me feel a bit sick. For a family friendly film it’s a bit too much.
We also have the fact that Obi-Wan gives Luke his fathers light-saber…
1) surely it melted or was destroyed (and you also dont see him pick it up)
2) you dont mention that your father is the most evil man ever in the history of cinema
3) or that the light-saber killed 50 younglings
4) that he didnt know you were born therefore wouldnt have wanted you to have had it
5) not tell him how to turn it on its luck that he doesnt take off his eyebrows at least
Why does Darth Vader not feel the force when Leia is on the death star, why is it only Obi-Wan? This would also explain why the drugs in the torture thing didnt work on her. He also when they go to destroy her home planet holds her back from the pain of it all, yes its so she cant stop it, but he surely must have felt a connection with her, and realised she was a big part of his life.
I like the fact the R2D2 & C3PO keep having there memory’s erased or are threatened with it. bless them all they ever did was be loyal to there masters.
As much as Luke & Leia are the leads it has to be Han & Chewie that rule the world. I still want a millennium Falcon to this day. They just ooze class and style and i so want to punch it with them.
Why did Han drop his shipment for Jaba, when hes got smuggling compartments??? see huge plot error.
Why doesnt Chewie get a medal at the end of the film like everyone else, its a bit off right. #justiceforwookies
did they know they were making another star wars film after this, to make sure Vader escaped? if not it does seem a bit weird the ending, that he doesnt kill Luke or get killed by Han and escapes the death star destruction.
Without this film there would be no hype for the next couple of weeks. It started it all (even the phantom menace which is a bit bad at parts we will get to that) the next one is the best of them all though there is no dennying that. May the force be with you all