Advanced preview time for a film that was meant to come out at the start of february & then just didnt, so lets see if this was worth the extra 2 months wait for it. The trailer makes it look like its going to be a lot of fun, so im looking forward to this.
Screening was half full, but it was one of the smaller screens in fact they actually moved it there, so that interesting. My seat number didnt actually exist i had to go check with someone & they said it had been updated. I was lowering the average age too. Lots of people in their 50s were there to see this.
Trailers, Challengers, Ordinary Angles, & the first omen. Weird that was all it was.
& then the film started… this had promise & unfortunately it didnt match the trailer hype & hysteria.
It started off being really funny & on the way to being a parody & a comedy & then it went far too serious for the majority of act 3 & i was just like hang on is this the same film i was watching an hour ago. It needed to pick if it just wanted subtle humour & then full on seriousness or if it wanted to go life of Brian on us all. The trailers had me feeling the latter but we didnt get that. Yea it got far to profound for the end.
There was one joke that was mentioned throughout the majority of the film, which did have a really good pay off in act 3. It also had an epic cameo which i had no idea about which im not going to spoil for you all. If youve seen it & you really know me you will understand why it was a big deal. It also had some really good evidence for why something is shown like that & it did make you think i laughed at that.
It wanted to be satire at points but it just didnt deliver enough. It needed a better balancing act for sure.
There is a section about some gladiators, which is the best section of the film both times it happens. I liked that a lot. It was very profound & good & was cleverly filmed & got the tone right. If you see this film it should be just for this part of the movie. ITs very very clever. It was also good that they did return to it, when you thought he wouldnt think about it again.
James McAvoy was under used a lot. Like an awful lot. It was a waste of the mans skill. I get that its not his story, but hes pontious pilot. He needed to be in it a bit more often. He was good but he was in it for all of 5 minutes.
Lakeith is a wonderful actor & i had no idea that he was playing to roles in this film. He was good at balancing & also then the despair at points, but at points i felt he was struggling a bit. His last couple of roles havent been in films well received, i hope this also doesnt hurt his stock.
One of the good choices this film makes is that you dont see Jesus for the majority of the film & hardly ever his face either. That was a clever & deliberate choice which i appreciated, but i also kind of wish that his face was never revealed.
Did we need the random dance party, i get he was in a higher place. But considering after all of that, we then get very serious it feels miss times. Did Jay Z just want to show off his score & music a bit more for that 5 minute section.
This film had so much promise to it, it really did but it was stuck between trying to give us a religious film & something funny. It didnt know what it was & thats a huge disappointment if im honest.