This is why film festivals are so good. I had no idea this was thing until sxsw & then there was Jordan Peele standing there going this is one of the coolest films ive ever seen & Netflix have pulled out of putting it on their platform so i am going to put it into cinemas & behold, here i am on a Saturday night ready for the advanced preview of monkey man. This is also the second time weve been told not to publish full review until monday in a few weeks, im impressed.
I did feel a little intimidated walking into the cinema if im honest. there were not many women there in the screening it was mainly group of blokes, which is a little like ooooh okay then. I mean nothing happened but its still intimidating when you walk into a cinema as a 1 who is female & a lot of men look at you like why are you here.
Trailers, civil war, Abigail, challengers & Furiosa. Im impressed good set film.
& then the film started… it was batshit insane in so so many ways.
Theres passion projects & then there is this kind of insanity Dev Patel. I mean i get it if you want to be in a certain movie & people dont think your up to it then yes make it yourself. Because that was batshit. To write, produce, direct & act in that & do some of the stunt work too. Have since found out he filmed part of it on go pros tied onto bikes & that he broke his hand & ribs for some of the fight scene. It was truly a one man band & for a first time for doing all of that, he didnt get much wrong at all. Things he got wrong were the tropes this genre in general gets wrong.
It was unapologetically violent. Like it was so violent that at one point i was like i need a respite in a minute please. Even John Wick gives me 10 seconds to breathe. But all of the violence was needed too. It told a pretty grim filled revenge story to have missed any of those shots off would have done the film a disservice. It worked so well, especially with all of act 3.
Uperty people were uperty &then a lot of them were put in their place. About bloody time someone did that. Often put beyond the place, but people needed to have a lesson taught that they cant just look down at them.
There were points where it was looking like it was heading to a romantic side story in this film, but im glad that was quickly squashed & we just got to concentrate on him & his revenge. Although that whole belonging thing was just wrong. I know that still goes on, its not nice especially as a young woman to watch that happen even though you know its all being acted.
How he won the wrestling crowd over was brilliant. I mean its never truly explained why he was a heel or in wrestling. Thats actually the distraction at points from everything else. I thought we were going to have a lot more of that but we didnt.
The flashbacks throughout were unsettling but when we watched it in all its glory at the end of act 2, it was harrowing & not very nice at all. I mean he had every single right to do what he did but ahhh it was not nice to sit & watch.
I dont get the guru guy. I really dont. Because without spoiling it, he should have dealt with something much sooner, why was it a surprise or why didnt he do something else earlier. It just spoilt it a little for me.
Because there are a lot of quick subtitles at points you do miss a few bits of the action scene or the dialogue, you have to be quick.
Dev clearly didnt want to write too much of a script, he hardly says a word in the entire thing, but that adds to the mystique of the monkey man doesnt it.
That finger ewwwwwwwwww. But we all knew the second that first person used it that it was going to happen.
The best scene is without doubt the gents bathroom in that club. The fight with the fish tank… incredible.
I am so glad he made it & that Jordan Peele went nah you fucked up netflix im going to finance this for the big screen. I can already see in my mind by the end of the year people asking me if they should watch this & i will 90% of the time say yes. Its going to be a cult classic im sure of it.