how many horror films am i doing at the moment? Its too many. But i know theres going to be more to come as well, so yea this is the next one, imaginary. Ive seen the trailer a few times, looks like it has potential to be quite psychological, im all down for that. Thats the kind of horror i like.
There was about 12 people in the 6pm showing for this (yes this is still my preferred time to go watch scary movies, gives you a chance to get over it before bed) a couple about my age the row in front. They seemed to know their horror too. I didnt mean to eves drop but i did (this will be important later on by the way) they were talking about a few horror films that werent on my radar.
Trailers, immaculate (so weird i saw this as a preview) The first Omen, Abigail & love lie bleeding (that was interesting that they put that on before this).
& then the film started… you know that couple in front of me well there was a point in the film when they laughed & went oh god no, & i followed them out of the screening & they went well they cant all be hits. I was in the same boat as them.
The trailer made it seem really jumpy & scary & all over the place. The latter was true, but there was 1 good jump scare in it, but other than that, it was just a little to generic. Maybe this is me talking to much as a film fan & how i work stuff out when i go to see films, maybe i ruin films for myself (hence i try to avoid too many trailers unless i have to) but it just felt more of the same from horror, but nothing to make this stand out from the rest of the current trend.
It wasnt even good writing. I was like well at least the exposition dumps in a bit might be interesting, but no it wasnt also the exposition dump happened between two characters at that point that i didnt give a shit about & not the ones i was bothered with.
Stop it with nails in horror films, nothings going to beat Emily Blunt in the first quiet place, its never going to match it so please just move on. That was the bit i was not enjoying though.
The monster at the end which was meant to be the tormentor was not well done & just seemed like they had typed in imaginary monster into ai & it gave them 3 drawings so they turned them all into 1 cgi thing. It didnt have the pay off im sorry. Especially when you know who the monster wants.
Bingbong got more shout outs in this then he does in inside out… which made me realise i want to be watching inside out 2 instead of this.
The bit with the therapist was very good. I liked that but i was already like hmmmm whats this doing at that point.
I get that horror films are a good place to cut your teeth as an actor & its not filled with the best actors, but here even the adults were wooden & not very good on convincing. Even when she was yelling at that step kid (where they didnt have chemistry at all) she should have been going for her, but no it was just one tone & didnt build. Trust me i get properly moody at points & am just like nah i can ramp it up. Bitch do that please & the reply afterward was underwhelming too.
So the initial start of the film was kind of mirrored in act 3 but it wasnt really done & it was just like no have the guts to put her through the trauma of the dream please make it real, but it just didnt. The entirety of act 3 just felt like a massive cop out at points & was just pathetic.
If you have fond memories of your childhood house & then dont remember why you had to leave…DONT FUCKING MOVE BACK IN! Clearly shit went down babes & your trauma shows that.
Her drawings werent that good, im sorry to whoever did make them but it was just like, nah thats never going to be turned into a kids book.
This film genuinely needed more balls to take people out &make things scarier & entertaining but every time we got near the point it was going to ramp up it just went no thanks & then meh & fucked back to 2 levels bellow again. IT was so frustrating.
I dont write horror films, but i could write something scarier, more thrilling & suspenseful than this. I know im not a horror girl but the couple in front of me clearly were & they werent impressed. This is a film i hope to forget very very quickly indeed. It was just boring.