Its been along time coming but we are here. The first spin off. Im going back to district 12 & the capitol. Bring on the new hunger games film. This is going to be insane, as i literally finished the book like a week ago. ekkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
So i went to see the F1 at 6am at my [parents & then went home dropped my bag off & then headed straight for the next showing of the film at 11am happy days. Cinema was mainly my age millennials for this because guess what we all read it years ago originally & now have this new one.
This is now far too late after seeing this to tell you about trailers so my bad.
& then the film started… & it worked but there was one issue with it that bugged me a bit.
So i’ve read the book before the film like i have all the hunger games. & when i finished the book i hated snow, i really did. But when the film ended i didnt & i felt a little bit cheated from that. I have since discussed this with a colleague at work & we came to the conclusion he was too handsome at point for us to want to despise. I mean he wasnt my type at all, especially when he went to district 12 but his charm was perfect. It made you go gooey for him, but he ends up being evil. Nah i should have hated him more. Although some of the faces he pulled when he was scheming at points was very much a oooh hes studied Donald there, well done kid.
I actually needed more time in district 12, i felt a little short changed by that. What we saw in district 12 does help set stuff up for the future & shiz that goes down from canon. (yes i am a hunger game canon girl who reads everything & wasnt all the games as films please).
The arena was so spot on it felt so right for the first place & i was worried they were going to do something to start with but im glad they did. Several people in my cinema clearly hadnt read the book because about 6 people went ahhhhhhhhh when something happened.
Also the just post war capitol was brilliant, with hints about where it would end up going & become. Also showing some of the war was very good too & showing how fortunes change in the capitol as well. Very clever.
I liked the singing but by the time they got back to 12 i was like okay im done now with this. I mean i knew this was the point but it was a little like oh okay are we done then, i get the point now. I guess if you have Rachel straight after shes done west side story of course you make her sing.
I get the grudge of the film & what it means & that it was important for character development but just a few more words & points would have made so much more sense to try & resolve it earlier. I get that it makes him the man that he is i really do but there so many opportunities to resolve it or just have them talk.
I was not expecting Burn Gorman to turn up in district 12 that was a surprise.
I love that the film was split into 3 parts like the book is & that it was obvious too. I often think sometimes the earlier films for those who dont read begore, often blur when there are always 3 distinct stories to be told in each book.
The games as always are a highlight, so clever so good, so well stage so well acted, so grim & barbaric & its just like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You are always on the edge of your chair to watch. I always read those chapters so quickly as well. It probably because im so invested. & i was not let down at all. I still want to see Haymitch games as well, MAKE THAT FUCKING HAPPEN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also love how it end, keeping the the fate of someone unknown. for casuals i can see them going what the hell but for people like me i was worried it wasnt going to happen.
I bloody loved it. I really did. It hit all the spots & it did the service for me 100%. I have no idea if people who arent diehards like me & obsess over this world feel, but as someone who read the book first it made some of the more atmospheric moments have so much more purpose & meaning. So for me this completely works & is so so good but for the casual im not so sure.