The Cagenaissance is happening, theres not avoid it (unless you are on the Hugh Grant one {im on both}) & Dream Scenario looks like its going to carry on the good work thats gone on before it so bring it on. It looks so clever & cool & as someone obsessed with my own dreams i cant wait to see this.
my monday night screening was half full, very very encouraging. Mainly people my age or my parents age eg those who loved him originally & made there kids watch him & then people like me who have got into it recently (its all Javi G fault) but no im impressed.
Trailers Saltburn (which is always weird when the advanced preview you saw the week before is advertised) The hunger games, Ferrari & Napoleon. All very good Choices. Cheers cinema. Also i love the new Cineworld indent before the film too thats cool. Gets you thinking about Christmas gifting.
& then the film started… Oh this was going so so well & then it just became generic.
Act 1 & 2 were going so well & i really like how act 2 changed it all up & had things go weird, but then the last part of act 3 became far to generic & cliché. IT was almost like they didnt know how to end the film & it just whimpered away in a sorry state. The last actual moment in the film was right but it was the 15mins before that, it took away the impact of that moment. I mean i get why but no he needed more of a redemption arch than he got. He needed more.
Cage is just making films he likes at the moment. Hes not missed a beat since Pig has he. ITs a pleasure to watch him doing the films he does. Hes having fun & living his best life & this is another example of it. When hes doing all the different dreams, even when hes just attending there its like ahhhhhhhh. IT looks so much fun. I mean the horrible ones the most must have been fun.
Calling out cancel culture was good. IT also proved how stupid people were. I mean i wake up & if ive had a bad dream i try to wake myself up from it or do a reality check when i wake up. Did he really deserve all of that no he didnt bless him.
The trip to see the promotional people was so awkward but is so how that kind of meeting would go & how those people would react & try to take control & take over.
Its never fully explained how every dreamed of him, or why he then became a certain way in peoples minds too. I wanted a bit more of the reason why but it just didnt get to that & i wanted to know more, especially when we get to the disappointing finale.
This is also a brilliant way of showing that not all fantasy meet up to the hype. I mean we all have a nice little dream or fantasy once & a while that wed like to come true, but the fact the one of them just becomes awkward is amazing. Its so what would happen. It makes you remember this isnt all just about him being in dreams.
I like how all hes bothered about in reality is actually his book getting published. Thats such a small thing in the scheme of thing, but thats all he wants. Some recognition for his actual work over all these year & to cure his self doubt in everything. So often films dont address that when character has a major life change or something dramatic times. It happens to us all when something major in life happens. So why shouldnt it to a movie character.
I would be raving about this so so much if Act 3 & those random 15mintues at the end of the film had not been so bad, but unfortunately it left me going oh why. He needed more & its needed a better ending. But up to that point, we were talking a film that might have sneaked into my year end top 10 films. But now after the ending im not sure if it does.