I should be watching my a to z of film today but im in a bit of an emotional state so i cant, so im watching Mads boss it in The Hunt instead. I have actively avoided anything about this i want to go in blind & know nothing about it. I owe it to Mads. So lets go & enjoy this.
If you have not seen this film, i thoroughly recommend you go find it on Prime or which ever streaming service you have with it on & watch it first. This will be Spoiler heavy.
Question does this count as a christmas film? I think it does. Most of act 3 happens at christmas. So im going yes.
I know i have Mads bias especially as ive now met him & he was lovely. But this… wow… he didnt get oscare nominated for this. Travesty. Compelte travesty. I know why he didnt but damn he should have done. He won it at Cannes. He was robbed. Its one of the most painful & personal performances ever given & it hurts to watch his life fall apart.
The second Klara leapt on him i knew it was all going to go wrong. I knew it. & remember watching that moment going no no no. I get that shes heart broken that Lucas (Mads character) is like no we dont do that. You dont kiss me or hug me. you just dont no one else does. & you see her little face drop especially after the little gift & that she was exposed to her older brothers porn to get a shock reaction to here. But the second that teachers asks her if shes okay, my heart sank. His life was over. & the way Mads acted through it & was like no why would that ever happen & trys to explain it. But then the teacher being like kids dont make that up, i mean i get that, btu it goes from something so simple to something so extreme & his life being destroyed in just a few days. He goes from being a well respected friendly person in the community to well being hunted & his family having issues too.
& they didnt need to kill his fucking dog. NO! BASTARDS! The dog didnt deserve that at all. I mean neither did his son or the questions about his girlfriends too but the dog no way.
The whole well kids tend to change there minds when asked later is harsh too. It means Lucas will always be guilty of the crime, that he never commits. Klara then sits there saying the truth & no one listens because they think she is scared, which implicated him even more. Its just like well you listened to the kid to start with why dont you listen to her again.
I get her parents reaction to him. I mean its not a good thing to learn about anyone let alone your best friend who always helps you with everything. Its bloody painful & when he takes him down in the house when he comes to plead his innocents before he gets fired thats horrible to watch.
& then to slowly watch everyone turn against him. Including the people in the shop turning on his son too. Thats not nice. I mean its worse when Lucas is beaten to a pulp. All he wanted was his christmas shopping & he is beaten for something he never did & its been proven at that point too, but people still arent listening & are still over reacting to it all. But hen to get up & walk back up into the shop & stand his ground, thats fucking powerful & i sat on my sofa jaw on the floor shout go Lucas go prove your point.
When the childrens story are about Lucas abusing kids in his basement, & then its revealed he doesnt have one, i genuinely gasped & felt happy, that he was going to be innocent of everything. So often in these kind of films that doesnt happen, its never show until the last scene that they are innocent but to do that & still have the film continue was like yes yes yes. & the fact its more kids now just proves how quick a lie & mis information can spread even at the age of 4.
The scene in the church is painful too. I mean he had to go there on christmas eve to prove his innocents & to show what the town who he helped for so many years had done to him. His break down is horrendous but its such compelling viewing. That is what makes Mads a phenomenal actor. Its just a gut punch it really is that even after all that people are still saying well actually about him & he has to stand up & prove his point.
& then at the end when almost all is forgiven & he has his life back. It shows how fickle some people are & how others treat each other. I do love how you never see the final shooter.
I love how its split between English & Danish too. It makes you concentrate & it just works & it adds to the drama as your never sure where we are going next.
I am so glad i avoided so much of this film before i saw it. I really enjoyed it despite the tough subject matter. It proves how talented Mads is as an actor & also that some people even when the truth is out are just pure evil & not nice. Well worth a watch people. Its hard to watch at points but its so intense that when its over you will sigh & go wow… Fuck me.