Im still going through all the classics people & today it was time for another Robin Williams 90s masterclass, with Patch Adams. I know very little about this film other than hes a doctor who cares about people & not their medical bills, & thats all i want to know, so i am really looking forward to seeing how he can break my heart all over again because lets be honest, its what the man does best.
If you want to make me cry, just put on any movie clip of Robin Williams talking to a court room passionately. When he does this at his hearing to see if he is going to be struck of the register for medicine & not be allowed to continue at college to study, its heart-breaking. He is so right throughout the film. Talking that when people are in their darkest hours, maybe they do need a bit of laughter & joy in their day as they are sick. So yes it breaks my heart.
The opening with his fellow inpatient & he comes up with that scenario to get him to use the bathroom is so brilliant & clever & i laughed & it warmed my heart at the exact same time. IT was exactly what that guy needed. He just needed the confidence to beat his inner demons. & how no one else even noticed that this had an effect with him or later on any other patience was horrible. I get that theres science & medicine, but it made the patience & their families happy & the staff happy seeing all that joy too. I mean who wouldnt want to swim in a huge bowl of noodles.
The welcome for the gynaecologists… insane. I laughed so much. Watch it to find out what it was.
How much of it was improvised or just random ideas that Robin came up with. Im going at least 70%. That kids scene had to be entirely improve. It was one take & it just kept going making all those kids engage so much with him. It was perfect. So perfect.
I get the love interest but shes not into him & i think they should have just been friends more than romantically linked. It was such a nice friendship group they had. Her death did hurt though, she was just doing what she thought was right & then the fact that it sent him back to feeling suicidal again hurt, especially with him, but then that butterfly asking him to be sent a sigh & he realises how beautiful life & love can be.
Philip Seymour Hoffman being the class swat & being irritated by him to eventually feel for him & want to help is so sweet. Also what a casting.
Question to all Americans though your health care system… what the actual fuck? Like seriously. I mean i know out NHS is on its knees (the governments fault not ours) but its so bad. Its like what the hell. Its crazy that it all costs that much. Its insane & crazy. I feel for you all. & he did such a fab job at trying to help those who were the most vulnerable to get over their problems.
It does take a little while for it to get going, & it does do quite a bit of medical exposition at points, which went over my head a bit, but the bits i do remember is because Robin made a little comment about something happening & i was like ahh that makes sense. Its does rise & fall eventually though. You have to have the seriousness with the soft & light, which was his point in the film to prove that it was needed.
The world is always a better place filled with smile & laughter & joy. This film proved that sometimes this is the best medicine & that the best person to deliver it was always Robin Williams. So sweet & lovely but with a very strong point in keeping your faith in people & always being true to your true nature. Never give it up for anyone peoples you here me? good.