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I need this film trip today. Going back to work after a week off has been hard & it really all just creeping up on me so i need to go sit in a dark room for 2hs to be distracted, & i think the new Jennifer Lawrence film is exactly what i need to do this. The Trailer seems cool & Jennifer hardly ever gets it wrong, so i am here for this so much.

Id say my screen was about half full for this. It was opening day as well, for some reason this came out on Wednesday. Its not a big film where we get it in advance so that was a little bit odd, but i do get it. Also everyone in the screening was a millennial, because weve all grown up with Jennifer, which makes sense.

Trailers, who are these people that have yet to see the Oppenheimer trailer at all. Every screening i go to there are gasps. There was also a trailer for Strays, Joy Ride & Barbie. That was it i think.

& then the film started… & you know what i was pleasantly surprised as to how good this actually was.

I properly full on laughed at points in this film. My face hurt from laughing & smiling because of how right it got it all. All i am going to say is i am never going to look at a finger trapper in the same way again because ahhhhhhhh. I was full on laughing at that. It was so wrong but so what that kind of person would do. But yea lots of laughs & sniggers from me watching the film.

I was worried it was going to end a certain way but im really really glad it didnt. It had the guts to go with the ending that the story needed & it had the fantastic call back to the rest of the film & it just, its just worked. Sometime the ending you need isnt the predictable one, you need the one where everyone is just in the right place right now, thats what you need. You dont need it to be false.

There were a few jokes & bits that ran through out, all im going to say is the restaurant… ahhhh it was cringe but brilliant & such a pay off.

Jennifer as always was so good. She did all the heavy lifting in this, everyone else was just there to make up the numbers, & considering she doesnt do just pure comedy it was good to watch & enjoyed her performance a lot. She looked like she had fun & got a lot out of it.

Matthew Broderick cant be someones dad whos off to college in a movie, no no no… hes still meant to be skipping school. He will always be just 18. No i wont allow it… NO!!!!!! God im old.

Every single character in the movie learnt a life lesson or had there morals questioned at point in this film which was good & most of them were for the good. But i love the fact the film went for Upperty people too, it moaned about the second house people or people who move place for the summer or look down on others. I loved that. Yes movie put them in their place please please.

There were various bits with cars in this film which were so funny & cleverly done. & that teen party she end up at ahhhhhhhhh crazy. I mean that so would be what would happen 100%

Genuinely a good film, much better than the trailer & the premise of the movie made it out to be. I laughed a lot & i left the cinema going yea i had fun watching that, that was a good comedy movie, about actual relatable people. Well done movie, you surprisingly delivered more that you should have.

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