This only came out today so cinema club style… i will try not to spoil it.
Time for the next big netflix blockbuster which should be a cinema film, but it isnt. So lets see how Hemsworth survived his watery death at the end of the first movie.
This maybe very short as its only just come out so my bad.
So one of the staples & selling points from the first film was the one shot take, this one does it at the end of act one & i think its something like 27mins long… damn. A lot of people die… its very violent & theres twists & so many locations & so much shit going down & so many extras… its insane. I love how its so cleverly edited to make it look like one take & it just works & when i say that shit goes down, shit does go down.
Hemsworth really really does deliver, he is out action hero now & i am going to be happy if he keeps making these films foe years to come. Tyler is bloody good as a hero & he kicks arse i love it i so so love his portrayal of him.
The start of that film does make the ending of the first film a bit weird. Because wasnt he meant to be looking after that other kid? Unless thats years upon years in the future but still. It made that end weird.
It was violent, but it was needed. Some of the death shoots & injuries were very graphic but they needed to be, it would be in that situation. Death my treadmill was a favourite of mine, i enjoyed that one. There were a lot of oh trust me moments in this film. & the fire punches wow.
I liked that most of the exposition was in subtitles, in another language. Made you concentrate more & also meant netflix had to deliver on it too.
the 2 surprise people who appeared in the film i was not expecting so cheer movie.
When this is a year old we will talk about the end of the film okay, because it needs talking about.
I like that we moved location too.
& the chickens & the dog ahhhh.
I also like that we didnt foreshadow the end either like we did in the first one.
People die in this film, obviously, but there is one death where i was like damn, im gutted for them, all that for nothing, to just die.
Its not the best script, it trys to pull on the emotional strings at point, but it doesnt properly do it. Okay it heels something’s throughout but it could go further. But the set pieces do make up for it.
Its cool & is the perfect action movie for a friday night with beer & popcorn to just chill & watch. ITs not going to remake the wheel, but you could watch a hell of a lot worse on your friday night than this… trust me i know ive probably watched them.