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Jerry springer died today & I think this is the only film I have him in so…
I also do see the irony of watching this while also doing my BondAthon i really really do, but it had to be done. Also this isnt a film that just pops up on tv if you get me that often, so i havent seen this in a while. Austin Powers go prove your point.

This as a kid was my introduction to Austin Powers. I saw this one before the first one . I have no idea why that was the case but it just was.

So the start just undoes so much of the original film by making Vanessa a fembot. I mean she was the daughter of the original spy in that first one. & then in the second shes a robot that everyone else knew about, which then means why didnt she explode earlier to all that Austin stuff. Just stupidly counter productive. I mean it is a fun way to open the film especially with the whole dance & everything covering his penis, they always do that cleverly.

I love the world council & NATO in all these films, this one they kind of suspect Dr evil is up to random shit at points, but by the time we get to Goldmember they are so pissed off with him. & they do get to start off each time the joke about the Johnson or tits, so iconic. I know its now really out of place & it full of cameos & would never happen today but the nostalgia of the 90s makes it work.

Also this is where Jerry comes in when they have the fight, & Dr Evil starts to beat up Jerry as well as Scott & the other people on the show. I love that at the end of it too, that due to time travel he wasnt just a test-tube baby, he was a real baby, created by the two of them, thats very sweet & the Jerry getting the final word about family, very sweet. This was peak Jerry though so of course it would have been a pop culture reference for this film.

Bless Vern! fucking legend. Mini-Me is so funny & sweet & adorable i love him & i love how doctor evil loves him more that Scott. Scott has every right to be so pissed off with his dad.

They purchased bloody starbucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Epic cover! I mean now that kind of works for being evil, someone would (or maybe has) done that.

Austins models names for that photo shoot are so wrong, i mean i get it. I do. But in 2023 its just cringe. Ive been saying this about Bond Girl names too peoples so its not just here. But to lose your mojo half way through is random & also how would that then affect him being a spy.

The younger number 2 being Rob Lowe in 1969 is so so so funny, especially when Frau is the same actress not even de-aged. It always gets me every single time.

This film has a very obvious but subtle forth wall break by Basil Exposition (still one of the best names in cinema) when after explaining time travel to Austin & how it will work & what will happen he then looks at the camera & goes & a good time to you too & Austin then winks to agree with him. I love it. Its little moments like this that make these films still good. I know people broke the forth wall for years before this, but its nice that it randomly happens to acknowledged that whats about to happen will be bat shit.

I dont like Fat Bastard. I get it. I know it ends up becoming shrek in years to come but its just like do we need it. ITs not that hes fat either. Hes just always over the top in his rudeness & profanities. We get the point mate we really do. I dont need you to tell me this joke 5 times mate, i got it after 2.

Isnt it amazing how the British country side looks so much like southern California?! HAHAHA

Dr evil always has some of the best hide outs. The volcano, so so cool.

That woman at the party who survives all those people trying to kill Austin is crazy.

Ladies & gents mr Burt Bacharach… i love how he randomly turns up in all these films & also Eric Clapton is in this one too.

All of the pop culture references for destroying the world that doctor evil uses are so funny, as its the 60s they have no idea, but as a 90s viewer you laugh. IT would be like someone going back to 1999 not & saying we are in an endgame, thats the equivalent. Its very cool. Also Tim Robins as JFK!!!!!!!!!!!! & singing just the 2 of us & what if god was one of us.

Why was Austin so pissed that she had sex with fat bastard, until he got married which in theory was only like 5 days before all of this, he was having sex with anyone still. I get hes now a man of the 90s but his 60s nature was so what the 60s would be, he wouldnt have cared.

Dr Evil is the worse at letting Austin get away. Scotty really does have a point every single time. Just kill him & dont leave just one guard on him.

We got to hitch a ride to the moon baby! HEEEEHEHEHEHEHE

The whole thing on the moon is so stupid. It really is. I know i know you just got to go with it. Poor mini me being sent into space (& surviving too) having 2 Austin’s, the mojo, the got to save the world & not the girl, the i am your father, the space suits, the whole telling people the line from 10 mins ago. Its just crazy. I mean yes he does save the world (the president should have know to not attempt to blow the moon up). Also that time machine we just accept works but nah no way mate.

The Jokes are well written & for the era they were written for & about do work, but if youve not seen this film before & watch it now as the age thats meant to watch these films, your going to cancel this film for sure. We give it a pass as millennials as it was out era, but now it can eb a bit hard to watch.

Its still fun & i laughed a lot still to this day, probably because ive seen it hundreds of times but it was still really enjoyable. I know its not aged well, but so many comedy films are based on this films lay out, that the formular still works today.

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