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& now we are at Brosnan. I mean i have already done Goldeneye as apart of the Bondathon, but that has already been reivew by me before in fact this is the only Brosnan film ive not watched on DVD since i started my count down so this will be interesting, to see how this pans out. Lets go create some new headlines Bond.

Lets start with the Song. Sheryl goes high energy with a good build & the sense of dreed from the backing track is cool. The visuals are always a little bit odd but for the first time in a while we get some good references to the film, like breaking into places, coding & patterns that appear in the film. The bond girls are clearly incorporated into the art too along with the TVs exploding & how things are just easy to manipulate. Its very very clever. But once again the song it cut.

I love Jonathan Price as the bad guy in this. He is so so so so good. He properly is evil. I mean the idea of starting a war between two nations to then get unlimited tv rights in china for the next 200 years, is a bat shit thing to do. Its jsut so bat shit, but the fact he nearly does it, is crazy. He also meets his comeuppance before the final kaboom too. & it had to be that massive drill didnt it.

Brosnan always had cool openings to his films. You kind of forgot we then need the song to kick in. I mean the whole missile & shit going down & flying off right at the end is so so good. I remember watching that as a kid & being oooh, & now seeing it as an adult im like yea they owned this they really really did.

Have to say rebuilding the radar & creating a ghost ship & stealing weapons is epic shithousery. It really is. Hes just like oooh we are going to do all of this for my grand launch & then he gets them to murder the sailors in the sea. Ahhhhhhhh So so clever.

I know Bong likes to have sex people, but this time M is actively encouraging it. Its not often M is like ahh your ex is the bad guys mrs go shag her Bond, but Dench says that in a nut shell & in front of Moneypenny too. Terri does look bloody lush in that dress though she really does. Its so 90s but she rocks the crap out of it. Also having an affair years ago with a guy, is worth her death? That isnt good. I know its easy to fall out of love but still, bit drastic. That being said the doctor sent to make it all look like suicides is good. Also its one of my favourite lines in this film. Please Im just a professional doing my job… so am i.

The Car breaking into is the best part of the film & the eventual escape in it & driving it remotely with his phone. As a kid i found this really fun. As an adult i watch it still finding it funny & wondering why now nearly 30 years later we cant all do this yet. All the gadgets in it are so cool too. & then crashing it into the car rental… such an iconic ending.

The press room escape is okay, but its not all that good. Its full of so many cliches too.

Can we please have a huge shout out for them for having a news caster as ED FUCKING WINCHESTER!!!!!! Someone knew what they were doing. To anyone born after 1998 that name makes no sense, but to everyone else especially as brits it means everything. It always catches me by surprise, but i love it.

Michelle Yeoh does kick arse as Wai Lin, but the number of times the film makes you think one of them hasnt made it to piss off the other one or desert the other, it gets irritating. Its like come on film, we aint stupid. Its like they have 3 ending & couldnt decide which one to go for.

He was the master in torture. I like that.

The helicopter escape is cool. It is Bond showing off the skills that make the franchises so good. The team work on the bike is so good & cleverly done. I went to the exhibition & saw the weeks of training for that, it was so cool what they did. & seeing the parts of the helicopter were cool.

Bond loves doing stuff with the navy he really does & another close call with a sunken boat this time. & then the stealth & it getting blow up. I mean if its stealth but still appears like a fishing boat on radar even before the kaboom, its not very stealth is it. & then its fucking huge. I mean thats very easy to spot from the naked eye.

That room where those guys go to kill her, its to stereotypical chinese. Its a bit of an embarrassment now. & she constantly mocks him for being corrupt & western, i get it i do, but by the 4th time i was like okay im done with this now. They also have no chemistry until he gives her the kiss of life as shes about to drown. Also if the boat above went kaboom, surely she would have been freed easier by that chain, or would have been sunk further for down.

The stealth battle is very good, but we have a lot going on to try & remember. Are we after the code, are we after the missile, are we after Elliot. Which bit do you want us to care about most movie. But the hench man getting his comeuppance, with the knife stabbed inside him to free bond, that was cool.

This Bond film has a couple of good set pieces, but its not the best written bond film. This is more 90s childhood nostalgia for this Bond film than anything else. Brosnan is good but his villain is superior.

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