Tomorrow i head to london, to meet some of my online friends, for Star Wars Celebration. So its time to watch Attack of the Clones & really appreciate it. I mean i am the generation that met star wars through this set of the films so lets give it the love it really deserves.
(this shows how far behind i am in my review writing of DVD & how the 100 cinema club has taken over im so so sorry)
12 year old me was taken to the cinema to see this as a family, going yea i like star wars this if going to be good. 12 year old me left the cinema with a crush on Hayden Christensen. Like damn. 33 year old me was like ahhhhhh im in the same building as that man. Yea my life changed as a preteen watching this movie. Probably why i religiously rewatched this on sky cinema when it came out.
Who likes sand honestly… hes got a point. It is a very weird scene, on that balcony. But it does set up their relationship quite well.
I know i often say this but Natalie Portman is not a good actress. Shes wooden. She always gives the same tone & i have now watched lots of portman in different genres & her award winning films & i just dont like it. I mean i know shes about to go to her death but when the tells hims he loves him, its very one tone & its not worth it. Maybe thats what makes people hate on Hayden as Anakin, because hes obsessed & in love with her so much, but even when shes meant to be smitten with him shes like like oooh soft kiss then, nah you should be kissing his face off love yoru about to die.
There is a meme about how no one wants to kill Padme ever, & its very very valid. But it does show us how good that opening race is through the city sky & the dangers there are. Its very cool. Both Obi Wan & Anakin have to face things they dont like & then to end it all outside that bar is cool.
Jango & Boba!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!! Legends. I mean no one wants to see their parents die let alone it happen right in front of them, but to then get decapitated like that by a jedi master after being taken out by a rhino isnt a nice way to go. I mean i get that then he put on the armour to become Boba, but still. We never see (even in the tv show) that he truly got his revenge or anything else to inspire him. It was all just a bit sad.
The cloners are weird. Very weird that kamino lot. Also it pure CGI except for the rain. I mean i guess that is what happens when someone removes you planetary system from the map doesnt it.
All those younglings that Yoda is teaching with what will end up being Lukes helmet is so cool. I love it. Properly made my neardy brain go insane each time i see those few minutes, especially as its Yoda.
We need to talk about Yoda, he properly kicks Christopher Lee arse in that fight. He leaps all over the place & its still goosebumps when the starts that fight, its only his willing to save life rather than destroy it that loses it for him.
Whoever decided Lee as Dooku was good casting, thank you very much. Teenage me loved it & adult me admires it & he does actually get to do some jedi shiz. & hes the one to take Anakins arm, which is very very cool. But he spoke the truth & foreshadowed if you hadnt seen the orginal 3 that palpertine was gonna be the evil emporer that would try to kill everyone. He told Obi Wan who then warned the council & yet it takes 3 years for the jedi to spy on him properly. I get there was now a war between the separatists & the clones but still, there could have been more looking into it.
c3p0 never lets slip to anyone that they get married, i mean neither does r2d2 but i do kind of expect that from him.
The asteroid belt chase is cool. those pulse bombs & the noise it gives off, still to this day in a normal screen(not even thinking of the cinema) is crazy. Its always so quiet but ahhhhhhh the bang noise.
Joel Edgerton!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Hes uncle Owen! I always forget that, hes only in it at limited points in the films & tv shows but ahhhhhhhh legend.
When the Vader score kicks in after hes upset he killed everyone because his mum died, is so good. That is score writing & producing. Im all down for stuff like this. It makes it iconic. Once again Hayden owns that scene & Natalie is like its okay being completely neutral.
The fight in the factory is much cooler that the initial fight in the arena. IT really is. There ive said it. The fight of the monsters is a bit meh until the jedi turn up. Windu & the purple lightsabre always gets me going. Although it does give us the whole “ive got a bad feeling about this line”
Taking on the clones on the battle field was them showing off that they can also do a CGI fight properly now, its better than phantoms for sure.
Yea this one has stood the test of time unlike phantom. It lays a lot more ground work that the last one, the steaks feel higher & we meet a lot more of the people & creatures that will mean Anakin turns to the dark side, the route has started & its going to be glorious to see how it unfolds (i do know how it does dont worry)