Time for a super hero trip. Time for some Shazam! I wasnt all too impressed with the first, but remembered it was fun & went for it all it could so im hoping this keeps up that tradition & doesnt go all weird like other parts of DC have been recently, until Gunn took charge. Lets see what youve got movie.
Monday in screen X actually had quite a few people in there which im happy with for the 5:30 showing. Im glad that is the case. Obviously the Top Gun effect for going to see big movies on the big screen is still a good thing. It was mainly families or groups of older teenagers there. But they were all willing to pay the extra for screen X. Screen X is always very good at making you watch adverts & trailers too, because you have to train you head & brain for the surrounding screen.
Trailers the flash (was gonna be a no but Keaton… im sold) Guardians (yes) Dungeons (yes) MI7(yes) John Wick (yes) & Fast X (yes) i mean that was a lot of trailers, i know they have to sell their summer box office but that was a lot to get through. Almost 35mins of adverts & trailers before the film started.
& then the film did start… & as much as i said the first was a little underwhelming but it had its charm, this one had lost a bit of its charm & innocents too which was what made it an okay first film. IT was perfectly average if you ask me.
Part of my main draw to watch this film was to watch Helen Mirren kick arse. & she did twice & that was about it. I felt very let down by that. She has more action in fast & furious i think (which they mention so that must be random). I mean the fights were pretty standard for what i expected. There is a twist but it happens at the end of act 1 which is like nope no no, save that until at least half way through part 2 dont do it now. I then spent the rest of the film knowing this character was going to change yet again, if it had happened later id have been more like ahh when the flip back happened.
The charm of the first film was learning to be an adult superhero when your a kid, but no we left that for the super hero chats. I mean i get it. Its his name on the poster not the kids, but the older this kids going to get is he going to want to be a 5th name on the poster in the shazam films. So much so i almost forgot which kid was shazam. Yea the learning of the powers was missed & lets be honest they all still have a way to go before they master them.
There was a lot of infighting in this film between all the different groups that were meant to get on. I mean i get it. Weve all had that especially with the pandemic & being locked inside & being with the same people all the time. So i get that its easy to write a film about that, but when it got to the third group of people i was so done with it.
The pen that floats & writes & helps everything is the best character in the film. I know thats probably a bad thing to say but i really did like that pen. It was the comic timing & relief to change the film up a little but that says a lot unfortunately about the film.
Skybeam tick
Fake Deaths tick
Trick Betrayals tick
yep it did all of them cheers for being consistent DC
& by doing all these it proved it was just doing a bit of crowd service. It wasnt well written & it was playing by numbers to get all the topes in before we got to the end of the film.
There were only 2 bits of the film i laughed at in the film which werent in the trailers. thats a shame.
I liked their cave that was pretty cool.
The mid & end credit scene, i was much more invested in that the actual film, due to what it means for the rest of the DC universe. I think these have been added later, thanks to James taking over to link things back together.
Im afraid to say that super hero films now do rest on the guardians shoulders, but i really do think they do. Spidervers will survive, because its art but the rest of it i think the battles between everyone & extended universe, the fatigue id setting in. This was so bang average that i think by the end of the year ill be like hang on i saw shazam? Yea thats how average it was. Sorry movie. I wanted you to have the charm of the original but you just got rid of that.