Ive not been looking forward to this if im honest. This is the Bond film ive seen once before which i saw in my late teens & then saw Quantom. Its the one i like the least im afraid to say. But hey im doing the Bondathon its got to be done.
Lets go to the song to start… Well its Dame Shirley so thats a start. It sounds promising, but this was never going to be diamonds are forever was it, lets be completely honest. Lots of girls being filmed who look like they had just been thrown off a trampoline for the images. It just doenst fully go to the heights of Gold finger or Diamonds does it. Some times maybe its not good to go back to something comfortable… (not foreshadowing no time to die no no no… {pulls awkward face}). Yea when its not even a good bond song, its hard to get into it.
so yea its time for Bond to get into the space race because guess what at the time that was in, so god forbid James Bond doesnt get to go up there & float about for a bit. I meant the floating sex at the end is a bit much.
This is also a bit sad its Bernard Lees last appearance as M before he dies, an end of an era for sure. So many Bond Films, what a legend.
I also only realised half way through this, that this is why Drax is called well Drax in Guardians… duh im an idiot. Im pretty sure this came before the guardians comics came out. If im wrong my bad.
Doesnt take too long for Jaws to get back into the frame does it. Where was the suspense, before he turned up? None of that. He turns up & try’s to kill Bond from the start. I mean that is bold. Imagine Bond crashing dies end of film before weve even heard the song.
Got to love some centrifugal chambers havent you… not. Why the fuck did you go in there James seriously. Urgh.
Death by being eaten by dogs is not a nice way to go. Surely keep her alive so then she can get more info on Bond. Bloody idiots, use her for your advantage.
The chase through Venice for its time is alright, its half decent. I mean now we know what Bond can do in Venice (see Casino Royal when we get there) its seem a little held back, but for the time, it was bloody good.
The whole Lab scene in Venice is a highlight if im honest. Its crazy but so cleverly done & well acted & lots of drama & high stakes that you do sit there looking at everything thinking hmmm yea this is good im enjoying it. Its the films main saving grace for sure.
When its announced her name was goodhead, i spat my drink out. I know Bond films love some innuendo but i dont think he ever says to her, hmmm wed best test that. It could have actually done with that to make a point of it but no.
Of course Bond has the only vile of poisonous gas. Obviously. How convenient.
I get he cable car fight i do, but the green screen behind it is poor & how am i meant to hate Jaws after all of that. I mean i never have hated Jaws he is good villain, but you know its a bit off what happens to him.
Did Roger Moore just want nice holidays, Venice, Rio, the amazon. Its a bit much.
Bollocks that they escape the incineration too. I mean i get that it would cook them but nah that ain happening, they are getting burnt minimum because where they escape too wasnt that fire resistant.
So they just happen to steal that space ship & go to the space station without being detected because goodhead whos done nothing so far happens to know how to jam radar & microwave signals? Bollocks. Its a very small mention that she had some space training but to do all that on a ship shes never been in before, nah im calling ball shit on that. & then she does it so the US marines can turn up too.
Urgh the superior race thing. Bollocks. Thats why i hate this movie the most. That whole idea… no no no. I get he is the bad guy but that almost made me turn it off. It made me so angry. Bollocks to the new master race, racist bastards.
All it takes is to saw that jaws might not be perfect for him to take on the villain. Urgh. Should have stopped trusting him well before that.
The space station battle wreaks of we want to be cool & star wars but we are failing. Even some of the laser noises are taken from the film.
Having sex in zero gravity is the final straw. Im sorry it is. Also why do people want o congratulate Bond straight away like 5mins later? They should know by now hes a feral freak who wants to come down by hitting a higher high. Let him get his girl & fuck her brains out & then give him a call in an hour.
Yea this hasnt aged well & its clearly a space film, with lots of nice holiday places for tourism & then is just wrong in its opinions even if it is the bad guys. Its just a hard no. I dont enjoy it. But i had to watch it for the marathon. Its now done & dusted. Lets never talk of moonraker again.