Today is the last episode of The Last of Us (13 March 2023) & i have also watched the Oscars today so thats been double Pedro. So i thought well lets do one more medium of him (other than the advert for that computer games {so ive actually done 4}) & i realised it was the 4th anniversary of Triple Frontier. I originally watched this when i got Netflix in 2019 but did it over 2 nights going to sleep & just remember getting a bit angry at it. But now im older & im in love with a certain dodgy pilot so lets see how i coped with the boys & their heist.
As always when it comes to Pedro in anything i try & not just go OMFG ITS PEDRO FUCKING PASCAL! (apart from when he first appears which always makes me go ahhhhhhh) but other wise i always try & be as professional as possible. However in this one, there was 2 slutty stances & when hes talking down the helicopter going come on baby… damn it Frankie. Also he got rained on a lot & there was one death very Joel from earlier on today that he committed in the kitchen that made me get a little arghhhhhhh. So that is now all out of the way. Apologies for the stanning & adoring but thats now it out of my system, i hope. Also why did Frankie lost his whiskers for the last scene? any idea anyone? no one else shaved or changed there look dramatically but Frankie, a floral shirt & clean shaven.
This film suffers due to two things. The first is this was when Netflix failed their act 3’s. I mean they still fail sometimes now, but here they really really did. I was like come on we need a bit more drama please & then i was expect something else & then we started to wrap it up? no no no, I wanted more than that. I really wanted more than that. It felt so anti climatic. & then the other issue with the film is Ben Affleck. If youve been here long enough you know i have an issue with acting & that hes not a good actor. He isnt. The only times he is, is when he is directing himself or hes in Gone Girl (bloody love that film… almost time to re-evaluate my top films of all time) He is the worst part of this film by a country mile & that is also including the fact that we have a villain we dont really know.
Yep we were meant to hate the guy they were stealing from in this film. I mean we meet him at the start & then we get maybe one more glimpse of him & then we meet him & hes dead before the start of act 2 is over really? I know cartel’s & traffickers & people like that are bad, but i didnt know him well enough to want him dead. Nope i wanted someone much more developed as a bad guy.
Oscar spent the first 30min of the film basically asking everyone why they hadnt got his text message. Yes he did. I mean i know youve got to get them all together at one point but it took a while.
& then just because Ben used to be their captain back in the army doesnt mean hes suddenly in charge of a mission, that your planning. IT goes from ahhh this is my baby to him taking over & being a dick about everything & then thats there downfall. Yes iget the whole fall on hard time veteran thing, but the rest of them were all so okay to deal with it but no Ben was a dick. He really was.
The actual steak out to prep for the mission was good i enjoyed that. & the different things they all saw & what they went through. The doubt spreading across some of them & their own thoughts messing with their minds i liked that. & the actual heist & the money being hidden in the walls very good. I mean i was expecting a lot more drama during that too. Only one of them getting shot was like really & it was only a graze. IT was clever but i expected more drama & more of a show down from it. What i watched good dont get me wrong, but yea considering what i was watching & what i know as a huge fan of this genre films can do, i felt a little disappointed.
So Frankie was the one who was meant to be on cocaine throughout & yet hes the most sober coherent person i this film (except when he chases the donkeys off). Also no one gives a shit that he almost plummets to his death in this film with a Donkey they all just laugh. Bastards. No you dont do that to our boy.
Burning the money was such an arrogant thing to do. I mean i get it but still. It made me dislike them all instantly. No you dont do that. I know you were all cold but come on.
Longest helicopter crash in history. Seriously stupid & weird at the end. I mean i get what it had to do, to build a bit more tension & divide between them but it took a long time for it to crash & for everyone to survive. & those poor villagers in every respect, no wonder some of them tipped them off & then took Ben out (which he deserved if im honest hed been far to over the top with being in charge). Also it took them all along time to realise he was dead. Would it really take that long?
Some of the scenery was very nice, the mountains & the forest were very well shot, but the towns were just generic action film towns, nothing to write home about. Some of the shots of the Andes were beautiful though.
Using teenagers as an army, standard & cliché now. Sorry movie it is.
When there was a chase or an action sequence or a shoot out the film was good & really enjoyable. But after that initial heist of the house & the money at no point was i to worried anyone was going to get taken out or be in more danger than they needed to be. Even the score didnt add to the scariness of it.
& then at the end they all give up their money for Bens family, i mean yes he died on their watch but he decided to take charge & take all the money. He shot first. He brought on his own death. I get the point & it was the right thing to do but no. But i like the fact they had the coordinate to go get the rest of the money back hehehe happy days. I thought he was gonna shout at the remaining 4 & be like lads, drink? & then it end there with them all deciding to go with him to get the over couple of million quid they still had.
Its well written at points especially with the arguments they have & when they plan or spout exposition, they got that right. Often films like these forget some of the little bits of exposition & they just then gloss over it but this doesnt.
Overall it is a decent action film. If it had nailed act 3 & added more drama to that final chase id have been much more impressed of it during my rewatch. I think that is more a netflix problem though. You can definitely watch a lot worse action heist bro movies than this, but i have seen much much better than this. Maybe its because this genre is my jam, that im harsh on it. Its definitely worth a watch people, even if its just 5 blokes having a good time for the majority of the movie.