Time to test the new drive to the cinema. We have moved offices which are now nearer the cinema if i get out at a decent time, so Cocaine Bear gets the honur of being the first cinema trip while im at falmer. A good comedy to end the day woohoo.
Okay new drive is okay, it takes 30mins once you are out of the uni but it moves for the most part so not to bad.
Id say the majority of people at the cinema were millenials. A few older people but not to many, id say from 25 to 40 was the age range.
This is a review thats a bit late being published so no trailers chat here.
& then the film started… & if im honest im a bit disapointed in this film.
I am now firmly of the opinion that films need to be counted within there own genre. Theres no point comparign this film to missing or top gun etc. ITs got to be in its own place which is comedy that shouldnt take itself seriosuly. It had far to many side plots & stuff going on for it to try & take itself seriously. It had to many side storys that we all knew were going to link that there were points where iwas like hang on is one of these people dead wasnt there 4 of them earlier or was this guy with that lot instead. No film give me the kids & the drug dealers & that will do. I dont need other stuff linked to that.
I laughed at one set piece (the ambulance) & at the start of act 3 when the Bear had its come down. Other than that i didnt laugh at all. Maybe one snigger, but no i didnt get it. It was not the hillarity levels i was promised from the reviewers & the trailers. This is not funny. Even the kids doing drugs wasnt funny. I mean usually it would be but when the bear is already high, thats a nope we dont need that (other than the munchies).
The drug gang were best actors in the film, mainly beacuse thsoe actors knew what film they were in & were just going yep okay this will pay my mortgage for the next year. The rest of them were in different filsm for sure. The gang were okay but they lacked any real background other than one of them.
The script was lackluster. Considering for parts of this film it tried to be serious, its didnt deliever. I want cliche after joke after trope. Nope it didnt do that. The cliches were even laboured too.
There was a lot of blood but it was just done in a oh heres more kind of way. I wasnt shocked freaked out or eww at it. & it also wasnt comical. You know how in hotfuzz it is, yea here its just not.
We had some morals & life lessons along the way, but noones going to Cocaine Bear to learn that you need to be true to yourself & honest. No they arent. Deep meanings arent needed here at all.i
The twist as well, i mean i had forgotten about that character & then they appeared & i was like ahhh they are gonna no t be what they see.
Oh im just upset this wasnt the lolathon i was promised. It had promise too, but it just wanted to be much more of a seriosu film than it was. Hence the bits that were funny, were actually good comedy. It jsut didnt work for me im affraid.