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sing it Live & let Die. dahnahda dahnada dadada. What a song. Its time to meet Roger Moores Bond & see how it all started off for him. I mean the song is iconic so this is going to be very good indeed.

Lets talk song first (we often do) absolute banger McCartney. I mean it will be in your head for a good 10 mins after listening to it for sure. It goes on a journey for sure as does this film.

Roger is good for his first outing. He owns it & he clearly picks up his own style which will be come synonymous as Bond for decades after he has left the films. He owns it & is still deemed by so many as there Bond both for his time in the role & his charisma too. Yes now hes misogynistic & just uses the girl gets the sex whenever he can & then they are dead, but that was what Bond in those days was all about (unfortunately).

There is a lot of random deaths in this film. I mean to start off by just killing other random MI6 agents & showing all of that all over the place before we even get to meet Bond is a bit much.

For all of 10 seconds i genuinely thought Felix wasnt getting out of it at the beginning. I mean he does, but it gets full on so quick. This this Bond there is no hanging about is there. No way.

That car chase for the time is so so good & it really does add drama to it. Imagine if Roger Moore was just a ploy to be Bond to get you into the cinema & then hes dead & then the real Bond turned up. It would be a trope they would use now not then but ahhh that was very clever of them.

We finally get to meet Solitaire in this one. She is a good Bond girl, but the whole Tarot thing is very much this era Bond. Can you imagine Craig being told hes got to do that… no way pepe. I mean shes still bloody good at it. She does feel a little out of place at times but she is very good. The whole losing your virginity means you cant predict properly is madness though. What the hell.

Rosie on the other hand is crap. We meet her, they have sex, he accuses her of being a spy then she runs off & is killed. The CIA need better people for sure. That whole chase by the lake is weird. How she didnt see it coming i have no idea.

Ahhh this is where Mr Big comes from for sex & the city… i know i know but still. Its clever for sure. A big mobster is a big shot for sure.

I love the boat chase. Its chaos but its so Bond & these kind of things are such a spectacle today because they did them back in the day. I love it. Its just so right. Hehe. Sorry im laughing at how good it is.

Bond loves some day of the dead & ritual stuff doesnt he. Heres where it all starts doesnt it. I get that it was the thing at the time, but it now looks a little dated, considering we have it updater in spectre.

Got to say giving away heroin for free is one hell of an idea. If it had worked he would have been laughing. & yes i get that drugs are bad, but it was less of a world domination plan that other Bond Villains. Considering so many want to blow shit up or do stuff like that, making more heroin addicts isnt actually too atrocious if im honest.

& then we get onto the sacrifice… this is when it loses its way a little if im honest. I was like oh really we are doing that. I rolled my eyes a lot watching this scene i was like seriously. It was going so well until this point it really was. I also think this was where my fear of snakes came from too as a kid. Ewwwwwww.

I love the alligator/croc scene i was genuinely sitting here going oooh this is going to be fun. Its a classic Bond moment & it is just spot on for this type of Bond, loved it. Also who has a croc farm seriously.

If he blew up the “poppy fields” then wouldnt everyone in that near by area then be high for a long time ingesting the heroin in the air? It would have some sort of small effect for sure.

This Bond film is part of the reason why Dr Evil wants fricken sharks with fricken laser beams attached to their fricken heads isnt it? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

Implosion is not the best death. Just ewww but very good. I mean its actually inflation but you know what i mean by that.

& another bond film which ends with a show down on a train. Not the best one if im honest but still.

This is a good Bond film dont get me wrong, but the voodoo & lack of world domination plans make it a little lacking at points. It does own its chases for sure. Its very clever for its time but does it compare to some of the others, hmm not really im afraid to say.

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