3rd time lucky trying to watch this film, i mean now Pauls up for all the awards for it, i was waiting to see when it would be back in cinemas for one more opportunity. So lets do this at the local cinema. Yes ive done 4 different cinemas in 8 days what
I am one of the youngest people at my local cinema for this screening (i cant see the ground floor of it) but lets just say the ladies in my row & behind me & are all about my mums age. Obviously they all watched Normal people & went ooooooh hes a dish or that they are oscar colleting like me. but yea id say late 50s is the average age here.
Trailers the Son (seen) Missing (Seen) the new Jennifer Saunders film (yes) & Whats love got to do with it (probably depends what else is on that week). oh & the national theatre trailer too.
& then the film started… & it was decent but if it wasnt Paul or someone’s directing & writing debut on a low budget, it wouldnt get the plaudits it is getting.
I am a child who grew up in the 90s (i know i say im a child of the 80s but i only just got into it) but i did. I’ve been on those holiday & done those kind of things or seen people do them while ive been away, so i completely get it i really do. It was such a 90s vibe. The music the outfits the score the behaviour. It really was. If you didnt know it was based in the 90s about 3mins in you would do. Proper retro brits on holiday in the sun for sure.
Paul was good. Im not denying him that. Especially with the mental health side & his life falling apart which men didnt talk about in the 90s (that god some are starting to now) but it was nothing exceptional which meant he deserved an oscar nomination. Im sorry but Jackman had a better performance. Again im not saying Paul wasnt good, he was perfectly fine, but it wasnt mesmerising like the world said it was.
The whole not having emotions or feeling in the 90s & early 00s was a huge thing. How did anyone ever talk about anything? How did you keep that all bottled up inside you? Its crazy. & why was it so taboo for do long? Why peoples? WHY!
As its award season you watch a lot of coming of age films, you really do & this year has not been any different. An interesting way of doing it. Something none of the others had done this year at all. I mean still generic, but i loved the weird trippy bits & the little flashforwards we had of life & what it was like now, not knowing the fate of some people. There was no major strobe warning though there really should have been. It was randomly done & was very intense.
It didnt add drama for the sake of it which indi films liek this at the moment love to do. I was very grateful of that. The drama it gave was enough, & that was plenty.
Kids doing Karaoke in the 90s to songs that they just like is such a vibe to. I get that, that was me & my cousin. So much fun.
It was a decent film & i enjoyed it, but its nothing to jump from the rood top about. Maybe its because ive seen a lot of films like this over the years & have a lot to compare it to. Paul & that kid are good & it is worth a watch but once youve seen it you dont need to see it again.
Was it worth the 3 attempts to see it… probably not.