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A Saturday afternoon at the local cinema time it is for me. I know random, but this is the only time i can only get to this. I mean its showing it on monday for £3 at 8pm, but thats Joel & Ellies Day, im not moving anything for those two they mean the world to me already, so lets do a bit more awards season collection, & see if Cate is that good.

I am so lowering the average age of this film. Im in my favourite seat in this cinema & two rows in front of me & 6 people in there 70s minimum & the couple to the left of me are mid 60s. Yeah im dropping the average age here, but hay a cuppa tea for £1.10 isnt to be sniffed at is it. Id say theres about 30 people in here too.

Trailers, Women Talking (yes) The Son (yes) National theatre (nah) & Magic Mike (was not expecting that but yes please, yes yes please) very weird set .

& then the film started… & you need to go & watch this in the cinema for the sound, oh god you do.

Much like when i went to go & see Sound of Metal, the sound of this movie was amazing. From the orchestra to little things ticking or creaking that irritated her. What an amazing assault on the ears & sense. I love it when films do that instead of just the screen in front of you. Get it right & it will stay with you for a long time.

Also the opening section explaining exactly who she is & why she conducts is stunning. I loved every second of that interview & sit down it was sooooooooo good. & then when she lecturing too, wonderful. Its all in one take too & you just are so captivated watching it & how good it is. Stunning cinematography, my film nerd brain was having a moment for sure. However all this good work at the start of act one is all done by the randomness during the end of act three. & i get it i really do but no, just no it wasnt right.

Cate was phenomenal. Oh my she was stunning. So good, so flawless, so raw. If she wins then she does deserve it, she really does. So in control until shes not. Just brilliant. & so convincing as a conductor, considering shes not.

I did not know Mark Strong was on this film & then not only did he turn up for important parts, but he had a wig? ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I couldnt get over it when i first saw him wearing it. I was like oh my god really. Why does he need that? Not in it enough to leave a mark other than just the hair piece tho. Hes always under utilised on movies, its such a shame.

I love how we spent the majority of the film building up to this one moment that would define her life & be all that & then for it to be so this is the goal, this is whats going on & then for it to change in a blink of an eye, wow. & no real redemption arch either. That was bloody brave movie well done for sticking like that. Life doesnt always (in fact hardly ever)give you the happy ending at the end of it all & prove how much a struggle it is to get your own goals. It shows no one no matter how amazing they are isnt truly invincible.

Everyone really was out for themselves in this film be them a small part of the film or a bigger roll. I mean they were but werent upperty people, they didnt look down on me as the viewer, but they did look awkwardly at others in the film. Also no one really got what they wanted at all if im honest.

& Cos Play… yesssssssssssssssss COS PLAY IN A BEST PICTURE NOMINEE EKKKKKKKKKK never thought id see the day. Happy bloody days.

Im so glad i went to see this & it is defiantly worthy of its nominations everywhere. But please if you see this make sure you have the best sound system available to you, to feel fully immersed in this stunning movie (for the most part until the rushed end).

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