Spoilers… nah
We all know what happens in Bambi right. If not what are you doing, films & tv mention it all the time. So im going to be matter of fact about this & this may end up being a very short review for this film. It really might.
So we all know Bambis mum dies… if not my bad… but everyone always talks about how sad that moment is. & i hadnt seen this film in years & i sat there & watched it & i didnt cry. Me! yes the girl who cries at everything didnt cry at Bambis mum dying. Whats wrong with me.
MVP of the film is Thumper if im honest. I loved him as a kid (probably because my main childhood cuddly was a rabbit called BoBo) but he had the best line & was the most fun. Bambi didnt actually have much to do until he got with the girl did he. then it all kicked off didnt it. But no Thumper is brilliant.
The Owl is irritating but i get the whole wisdom & age & stuff like that but he gets on my tits a bit.
Flower is nice, but is just to prove a point about not judging books by its cover. I mean thats good for kids to understand, but only if they recognise his as a skunk
April showers is a good song, & considering the technology they had to make that back then they did a bloody good job of it, they really did. Kudos to 1940s animators.
The snow scene is very fun & cool i love that. Its very very good.
The stag battle is good but unless kids actually know that deer do that for mates, is a bit random & i mean you know Bambi is going to win, its his bloody movie.
I know we as humans are dicks at times, but so many early disney films always make us out to be the baddies. I mean fire is not good but still. Also you never really see man in this film were just there to piss them off & move the plot along. Thats all we really do.
This film is more about the score than anything else if im honest, it nailed that more than any other part of the film.
As far as an actual story its baby is born, makes friends, mum dies, dad shows up, turns out hes a prince, meets a girl, runs for freedom, has kids. so the lion king light then. Theres not much to it other than that.
I get it & i can imagine it was really emotional & shocking back in the 1940s when it came out, but now even if a kid saw it they would be like really what that about. I mean when i was a little kid it wasnt a go to faveourite for me. It not Peter Pan or The Little Mermaid is it.
Im glad ive rewatched it, & its got some nice bits to it, but i was expecting to cry & feel really like ahhhhhhhhh about it but i didnt.