What is with every bloody film coming out this week, seriously. Its crazy. Its almost like its all come out for people who dont do the world cup. My problem is i do both. HELP! So here i am after a bad game last night (England 0v0 USA) & then drinks & a late night Dark World watch along. & its now 10:15am & i need caffeine before i walk into this un-hyped disney film. Lets try & do this peoples.
Well the girl at starbucks when i turned up & looked tired just said “A Mando?” Yes girl. I did ask for an extra shot of coffee too, lack of sleep isnt good at the moment, not sure why. I think having that last week mucked me up a bit. So yea the saturday girl knows i have a mando, wooohoooo. This is the fricken way.
Not that many people in my screening. I was the only 1, but there was a couple who were both millennials who i had a chat to, who were here to watch Jake. There were 4 family groups of 4 & that was that.
Trailers, Matilda (which is odd as its out already{trying to sort out my sister for watching that}) Avatar (nope) & 2 cbbc panto cinema adverts (no way).
& then the, well no it didnt. It was the first time ive seent he disney 100 years of magic moments logo before a film started on a big screen. I got a bit emotional at that. It was lush.
& then them film started… & im gonna stand on a hill here. That is the best Disney film since Up! There ive said it & im not scared to say it. This is bloody special.
First of all, starting a film with Tudyk narrating the introduction & automatic 2 stars from me. Even if the rest of it was crap, which it wasnt, thats a phenomenal way to start your film. & hes the squidgy thing too.
Absolutely fantastic voice casting. I wasnt sure Jake would work without his face as its his eyes that always talk, but no here i am being swooned by his animation & there were points where he crept into this character. I loved all the voice actor, it just felt so right & if it wasnt for the animated world around them, i would have forgotten they were actually animated. Jakes a brilliant Disney Dad.
That animated world… WOW… seriously. I mean i know with something like this, you can do what every you want but they really really did. It was so organic & had so many layers to it (which i cant go into as it will give away huge spoilers) but wow, the depth. Stunning. Animation hasnt looked that lush in a long time.
There no villain, & the film even points that out. Sometimes you dont need a bad guy.
It was so inclusive, without having to shout about it. & i loved that. It really was just like yes disney weve progressed finally. There was no big deal about it. It was all just seem as normal & as someone who comes from an area where this is the case, it made me very happy to see this in a kids film. Everyone felt represented, without them being like ahh this is a film about this or that.
Its a very clever story. Whoever wrote it really did take the struggles the actual world faces & the modern life & sum it up & its struggles on a small family scale to the world as a whole perfectly. It really did capture what it is like to live today, just without the strange world concept. Even the family dynamics at times.
I laughed a few times, in fact there was one joke where i laughed a lot & i then glanced & saw the other two people laughing with me in the screening were the millennial couple. Obviously that was a joke just for us.
I didnt cry but i welled up quite a bit especially at the end, when someone looks over the horizon. It was beautiful.
I am let down tho. Not at the film, but at disney. They hardly promoted this film at all. & there wasnt many people in my screening for this. Its like they wanted this film to fail at the box office, so it could go onto disney plus quicker. & im not okay with that. No disney no no no. films like this need a full release & to be showcased everywhere. You are doing a disservice to everyone involved in the film & who loves it like i do.
So if you didnt see this in the cinema, please go see this when its on Disney plus in a few months time & then come back & tell me i was right because, its bloody brilliant this movie. & i want to shout it from the roof tops. It was lush.