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Guess who back from Holibobs bitches…. Me hehe. Cinema Club has made a triumphant return to do one more film before we get to October, so lets do this.

Now, noon on a thursday afternoon is a very odd time to see a film ( i agree with that), but when its Screen 1 & you can sit in the middle in the back row & no one else be in the cinema at all, thats weird. I expect it to happen in 8 & maybe 6 or 7 but 1 wooooooooo. I was very shocked. Oh well lots of leg room for me i guess.

Trailers we had the really long queen one, a star is born (soooo nearly here now) Widows & First Man, pretty solid films if you ask me that is always very very good to see.

& then the film started… & it was equally exactly what i expected & what i didnt expect & was just mesmerising.

It was very clever & smart where it needed to be & witty & warming in places as well as dark. It knew what i wanted you to believe & would change it up. You never knew where we were off to next & i like that in a film.

We all know Anna Kendrick can act thats a given, but Blake Lively is know for rom-coms & ditsieness & not being a very good actress. No offence thats just true. But here she proves she can act. She had Ryan attitude about her hard not to really but she was sooo sooo good. A proper surprise package. good on her, even if all she was doing was a really exaggerated version of herself.

Those kids acting in the film on the other hand were not good. Everything felt to falsified or over acted or just not bothered at all. They will not be kids we need to remember names of in the future.

There were some side storys we didnt need. Yes those flashback were good but there were some bit where it was just oh really we are doing that. I guess it did distract you enough not to see the next twist, but it was still unneeded. Although the mama & papa club ha they were good & had some brilliant bits to them. More of that if your going to do side stories peoples.

It was a little bit to stylish & chic & this is the life you should all have & its worth going bankrupt cos you can still have all this, for me than id like. I work bloody hard for my money & still live at home & then you watch a film like this & just think none of you actually work a day in your life & you have all this fuck you. I hate that about all films not just this one it does my head in.

There were a couple of moment when i did leap out of my chair going ahhh no really or omg & then slid back into my chair & then realised oh yeah im the only one in here. A couple of twists were that good tho.

Over all a really good addictive story where your trying to work out who you can trust & what has gone on too. It properly made you go ohhh what next whats going to happen, & with a film like this it need to work to that point. I wasnt even angry that i didnt fully work it out either so thats why its a good film.

It worth being open minded about to watch dont go in there think oh this or that. If you do that it wont be as enjoyable. But its a pretty darn good film & story.

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