I can here you all now reading that going hang on… really… yep… its not spooky season without a Vampire somewhere & the opportunity to see The Lost Boys on the big screen was too much to pass up, so im here at 7:30pm on a monday night to go bloody hell this film is older than me & probably looks better (oh & to look at Keifer be the ultimate bad guy which made us all in the early 00s all go goth & emo).
I am going to point you in the direction of this here. My original lost boys review from last year as i hadnt seen it in a while. Also this review probably will be more spoiler filled than normal cinema club reviews as you know its 35 years old… you have been warned…
It was sold out for all but 5 seats. & i made some friends. The couple who came in & sat next to me in there mid 50s, i had a nice chat to. They had been to all of of cineworlds scary nights so far this year. I said it was my first as i like a vampire movie & they went oooh Twilight & i was like no What We Do in the Shadows, ahhh they said our kids like that & they promised to watch it. So Jan & Steve i hope you had a good night out. If youve found me this shout out is for you.
Trailers…. Oppenheimer, She Said (yes), The Menu (yes), Black Adam (yes), Halloween (no) That weird one with the Nun (no) & Watcher (oooh yes i dont want to know anymore please). yea scary films for scary season.
& then the film started… its still got it, it still does.
As a teenager of the 24 generation, & the Icon that is Jack Bauer, i think im just always meant to love Kiefer. & that villainous Snigger & cackle is just so soooooooooooooooooooooooo… yea it does something to me. I know it really shouldnt, the mans old enough to be my dad, but its that whole look & style. Yea its still a hook.
The use of the Vampire Lore & the talents & powers they have are all rooted deep here. All the vampires i now love have this film to thank for a good portion of it. Its so clever & funny to see it in its original form here, with a modern take (i know 35 years ago isnt modern but at the time it was you get what i mean).
It was the most involved ive seen a reshowing of a film at a cinema. People were whispering lines before stuff happened & we all said the final line in unison & had a right out laugh. People applauded it too.
Theres a lot of long shoot over that pier & fun fair in this film arent there.
They tie the end of act 3 up pretty quickly too. We go from showdown to then exposition dump to him being dead, everyone being safe & then its all over.
The Brothers in the Comic book store are brilliant i love them & every vampiric death is just off the scale.
Oh it was just bloody good fun. Go read my other review of it peoples or just go put the lost boys on to go back to that world.
Yea this film had a lot of impact on me in my late teens for sure as to why im like i am now.