Thursday cinema time. Its my deal this, going to the movies on a Thursday night. However i now think i should swap days. It used to be to see the really fit guy at Cineworld who worked there who i had flirted with a few times & then decided that the next time i spoke to him i would give him my number. Since then ive seen him once & he was running with a broom to clean something. & since then nothing. So i think hes lift. If you were the fit guy who worked at Cineworld Brighton for at least 8 months of 2022, please let me know, i think your so cute. Anyhow i digress, its time to go & see the Lost King.
A proper mix of ages at the cinema. The couple in the row behind me brought there 8year old to see it. There were quite a few millennials, but it was more people in there late 40s to early 60s there. Which is fair enough. I mean like me they watched it all happen on the news didnt they. So yea that was to be expected. Id say screen 8 was half full too.
Trailers Oppenheimer, The Banshees (yes) Living(yes) Matilda (oh god yes) & Avatar (nah still not bothered). A right old mix that. Living is actually filmed near me so i cant wait to see that.
& then the film started… & its was exactly what it said on the tin.
So as a Brit who watched this all happen on TV & the News & remembers it quite well, my question to non Brits & those that dont know the story… was it a good story & film to watch. As someone who knows about it, it took out some of the drama & suspense at points. So when it was like ahhh are they not digging in the right place, or is she not gonna get help, did that make you all feel like ahhhh, where as i sat there knowing it was all going to be okay. It should have had more of an impact on me than it did, but thats my fault for living through it. Maybe they should have waited another 5 or 10 years before making this.
Spoiler within the film, they ruin Skyfall (because it all happens in 2012 & 2013) so if youve not seen skyfall, thats me letting you know, they do that. i mean its been 10 years now so i guess you all know.
I know films like to ramp up the tension & add drama to it & struggle, which this film does, but i think like Coogan said they may face a few legal issues with this. Some of the groups which are deemed to only help upto a certain point or not help at all are all going ahhhh hang on here peoples we did help. So yes it is a film & its done to make it more of a story (i mean how do you make a dig interesting for crying outload). & also if were going down that path, do we think that she really saw his apparition & ghost. I mean its cool in act 3. Its very clever, but im not sure it was actually needed.
So ive been watching Thrones (justice for Oberyn) & i laughed a lot when the acto who place King Robert Berrathian was apart of the main dig team digging up King Richard. I should not have laughed that hard but i did. My bad to everyone in my screening but i couldnt help myself.
The Cumberbatch got a shout out hehe.
Both Hawkins & Coogan were really good & were the perfect leads for this. As much as they are both famous & well known brits, it just worked & you believed it. Especially with Hawkins when shes over looked by people & her health issues, which as much as we think were doing okay with now, in 2012 it was a very different place to have all that stuff (& were still not as far as we shoudl be).
Doing the right thing & getting a small recognition is more important than fame & money, is the perfect life lesson for this film. It really is. The little people are hardly ever recognised & she ended up being okay with that. Here peoples & community got her through it & that was all she cared about (& Richard) & she didnt need her day in the sun.
It was a sweet little film with a few giggles in it, which was a very nice & chill way to go into a thursday night. Exactly what i needed this evening. What more could you ask for. A bit of a throw back to happier days of 2012 , one of the best years ever to be a Brit.