Maybe its the whole Top Gun being the movie of the moment vibe right now, but its really making me want to watch the parody films Hot Shots & Part Deux. I mean i know they are both crap but im in the need the need for… ahahhaha you get me. So lets do this. Also as they are short ive watched them following on from each other so i can do them as a double bubble happy days.
I should probably state before we start that these are parody film & not to be taken seriously. So even in the 90s they were judge as oh god really they are doing that. & they have not aged well at all you sit there & watch them & go oh for fuck sake, but youd have done that in the 90s as well.
Also Charlie Sheen is very problematic now. I get that. So lets do these in order then.
This is an entire piss take of Top Gun. There is no denying it, at all. & the film wants you to know it too. I am all up for films that know where they stand. I want that. If its in on the joke then thats perfect. Theres nothing wrong with that, but its when a film thinks its better than it is or has self importance where as this is like nah we are here taking the mickey out of this movie & we are going to have. it
One of the best bits of this film is the guy who is his flying partner, who topper doesnt get to fly with on the mission, who has all the bad or unlucky things to happen to him before the flight & then goes through shit. You can see it coming a mile off its so whacky & out there & event he rescue & what happens after that ( including the gun salute & people going ahhh whos shooting at us) its funny, but its meant to be. & its just so cleverly done, so cliché but so right.
The motivational story about his dad & the failed mission to make him look like a spoilt brat is brilliant from the opening of the movie to the end, when he goes to become the hero he should be. Its just all so far fetched but i love it.
Its called operation Sleepy Weasel i love that.
Lloyd Bridges in all his films always gets very small obvious jokes, but its the delivering & calling about way in which he tells them that to this day you still laugh at them all. It just works. They dont make him like that any more. Hes also so politically incorrect, which with these type of 90s films was okay. Now it looks bad but you laugh because you always did back in the day.
The love triangle, is so corny & cheesy but i love it. The sex scene where he cooks on her tummy. Oh its so cringe but it so works. Its just wrong but so right. The most redisclose thing is when shes on a horse on that air craft carrier, its never going to stop him.
Also why is he always finding faith or remote & off the grid & then everyone always find him.
Its so cliché but it works & is dated, it really is. So god help the Second one.
Now i like the first one but i actually prefer the sequel. I know thats saying a lot isnt it, but its true. because not only does it do its job as a parody film, but its also a sequel which is a parody or parody’s. It just goes for it & i love it.
I loved you in Wall Street
Of course i came back its the sequel
who are they? shes CIA the other guy is an extra
your lucky mole
Bungee Jumping?!
If those quotes dont get you on board with this film nothing will.
The sex scene in the back of the car & then the bedroom is so so so funny. Stupidly over the top, but so worth it.
How he became president i have no idea at all, but it so works.
The thing that makes this film is the entire escape from that prison & trying to work out if one of them is the mole. ITs hilarious. I know its dated & corny but its gag after gag after cliché & it tells itself odd & it goes for it & its just like oh for fuck sake especially when he can get out of his prison cell to unlock the door to get the keys. Even the Duracell bunny is brilliant because in the 90s we were all so pissed off with that advert.
This is the bloodies movie ever due to its death count. AHHHHHHHHHHHH(fyi its not) & then using the chicken to kill the guy after thousands of attempts to do it normally.
When Rowan Atkinson turned up when i was a kid i was like ahhhhh. I now get exactly why hes in it i really do. But he is so cool & weird & brilliant in this. He cant escape because his shoes are tied. & then he falls to his death after being rescued.
& then there is the fight between the President & the dictator… crazy. How this was allowed to be made in a parody even is insane, but it happens. With all the star wars, terminator & indi references. It just cracks me up so much & then when the piano falls on him its like the wizard of oz ahhh.
& the the gladiator assault course for the girls, its just ridiculous.
This is not a good film & it is so badly done but that was the point & i still laugh so much at it.
over all… these are no where near the best films ever, not even in the top 250 no way. They are dated & so wrong & cliché & corny & problematic, that they are now cringe to watch & are so a 90s product. But sis any of that stop me from having a fun time… fuck no. Its insane & i laughed & smiled through both of them. If you saw these original watch them but if not stay away, because unless you know its going to be an awkward watch for you.