Darn it rule broken just by typing those words… anyhow spoilers
So i have an admission. Ive never seen fight club before. I know the twist & the iconic bits but the rest of it no idea, so im looking forward to this & being blown away by it. Although ive just had a message from my sister whos said theres a twist in fight club? what the…. okay so maybe the twist isnt that well known.
we are gonna start off by talking the twist so please avoid if you dont want to know please dont read this review
So the narrator is Tyler Durden (also i love that the lead has no name… i love it when stuff like that happens). I knew this. I am a film buff but i sat there watching it trying to work out when as a first time original watcher, that id have first noticed. & i think its about an hour in you first really see stuff that goes on where you think hang on no this wouldnt be the case, doesnt matter how unhinged you are, but still its weird. I think its when they form a relationship with her & start having sex. So maybe it would have been better not know the twist that they are the same person, might have been more shocking some of the things they get up to.
Edward Norton is a really good lead in this. It shows how much grit he has & also shows you his vulnerability at times too. This was also still Brad Pitt trying to be a lead on his own, more than anything else. I mean Brad is good, but he does spend the majority of the film being a vulture dude who i would avoid on a night out at all costs, which is the point i guess. But it is still unsettling to see that on screen, even now 20 years later.
Everyone breaks the first & second rules of fight club… like seriously. & i love that people get called out for that as well. Its just like oooh theres new people at fight club so which of you broke the rules. I love that, but then they all do let them stay. I mean i get that its a good idea to let people let of steam & get their aggression & anger out but it gets very full on at points & it gets very dark. I was not expecting them to start being terrorist & being complete & utter wankers at the end of it. I mean i get when you find a group or clan you will do whatever for them (trust me ive just found a couple of people on film twitter who i think i might end up being life long friends with {news flash since watching this film ive met one of them now hi Fabi}) but you know we have decided to kill anyone yet.
I love the idea of going to the group therapy, even though it wasnt the one they needed & they meet Maria & they take it in turns. I like that. Also maybe hearing other peoples problems probably does help your own. & then splitting them up like its a divorce settlement. I mean thats kind of cute, but also disturbing. I get where they are coming from.
Meat Loaf turns up for all of 20mins only to then get killed off like an hour later (bless you Meat Loaf) but still, thats not a nice thing to watch. & how young is Leto in this movie i suddenly looked up & was like the fuck that Leto… bloody hell. I mean you got to start somewhere havent you. It was just a bit odd.
Some of the fights even now are hard watching. This film is an 18 for that exact reason. & ive seen a lot of grim fights & blood or horrible stuff go down in films but this… yea there were points where i was like nope this needs to stop its too much. Its not nice to see.
Who sells soap? i mean even in the 90s? come on peoples? Thats the best his mind could come up with.
The idea about consumerism is cool & how the systems broken, i loved that, it still applies to today, if im honest. The idealist that we are all controlled & that we are all just a stat for someone i completely understand that. & yes you do feel a bit like that soem times. Your not a customer your just a 16 digit code that means that there will be more profits for them.
There are an unnecessary amount of bombings & unexplained explosions in this film there really are, i get its to move the plot along (oh & flooding of someones basement {not an innuendo})but still its very very random at point. I mean i get that he changes his life because of the first & he understands more about his so called calling but its just a bit odd.
Never ignore someones cries for help you understand me. Its not okay. Because one day you might not help & it might be too late. Always be willing to listen & help. Even if they arent willing to change please let them talk. Ignoring them like they do in this film helps nobody. NOONE!
also please dont kill yourself. I get that hes got bipolar. I really do & e has his own problem, but thats bloody dark. Also they just stand there & watch society collapse. I mean i guess hes at piece with what hes done but its still very weird & dark thing to do .It just, yea i dont like the end at all.
The way the fight are shot are so well done. As much as ive moaned about how graphic they are, there is a distinct tone to them which just works & makes you feel like you watching something very different. The fights are almost a distraction from the rest of the film, which again makes sense, but still they are filmed so well & choregraphed very well indeed.
Some of the longer speeches about life are good, but otherwise there are points in this film, where the writing feels a little lazy. Almost like it couldnt be bothered.
I am glad ive watched & i can see why people adore this film, but i think id have enjoyed it more without knowing the twist of the dual person & maybe watching it in th 90s or early 00s but i know why i didnt. It is well worth a watch & i think on a second viewing i will understand it a hell of a lot more, but ive seen better films like this while doing my movie history catch up than fight club.
Also Shhh you do not talk about fight club…