As much as this follows on from recent MCU review, ive watched a few DVD films since the last MCU review plus 4 MCU films in the gap. So here we are weve got to homecoming, which i think i watched with my parents on sky cinema when they were playing catch up on it all. So yes lets swing into this spidy. I mean the next time im likely to talk to you about the MCU is going to be phase 4. I mean wow.
So along with when i saw this in the cinema & when my parents saw it for the first time the main oh my fucking god moment, is when that door opens at prom night at the start of act 3 & Michael Keaton is her dad… i did genuinely think holy fuck no bloody way. Problem is when you rewatch it, all the clues are there throughout, & oh my it bloody obvious. It love it. & thats how good a villain Keaton is. He bosses it & no offence Spiderman & Tom but i cared more about him being down & out & losing to the world that i did Spiderman’s back story & tragedy. Im sorry & i hate to say it. & im the girl who was brought up on Maguire… so i love me some Spiderman.
Tom is okay in this, but hes not as good as Tom is now as Spiderman. It helps that RDJ does randomly show up at points in the movie, to help out (which i love that the MCU calls that out too but going youd actually be here if you were needed & then he does show up at points). If you watch all 3 Spiderman’s in the MCU back to back (yes i get that Peter had to grow up quickly due to circumstances) but it actually shows good development for both Spiderman & Tom in these films.
Taking of his baby sitting protocols on his suit is so much fun. But it really is a goo moral that you know what kids maybe just be a kid for a while. Which is why its so important that he turns Tony & Happy down at the end of the film. It proves hes not ready yet & needs to live his own life a little before he becomes the next big super hero of the mcu. It was a good choice but unfortunately the MCU is bigger than just Spiderman.
The most heart-breaking moment in the MCU happens in the MCU, when Ned drops his Lego Death Star they have been building. Even in the cinema i was a-gasp. Its like no no no. I mean ive built a Vader helmet (& since this review was originally started a 6h Razor Crest) I feel the pain on that breaking. Oh god. The stress.
I like that we dont find out the Michelle is MJ until the end of the film &then you just like oooooh yea she was the most interesting of all his friends for sure. & i love how moody she is. We all now know how good Zendaya actually is, but here she was potential waiting to bloom. She was perfect to be the new MJ.
Everything in DC is hilarious, including the rescue. I love it. Its so cool & it is Spiderman being else where.
The teenage party without the adults is kind of cool, i mean id have so been on of the awkward kids at that kind of party too, nothing wrong with that though. & then it all kicking off after he goes to be a hero.
The final showdown is the best set piece in this film. Dont get me wrong there are some cool chases & the Boat it a good oh god he needs to earn his stripes moment. But that whole thing from him walking out on prom to leaving him in the rubble, is tope draw MCU. It flys by & it is so so well told & i really enjoy it & i love that Peter gets so beaten up & really really doesnt stand a chance at all but the ego gets in the way & then he still has to save him & help him. Shows why he is all the right hero qualities we all need in them.
All the teachers at school, yea thats pretty much spot on.
How did Aunt May not realise until the very very end of the film that Peter was Spiderman. Seriously. He wasnt goo at keeping it a secret at all. Almost everyone had worked it out or knew other than her. Especially just letting him go to Germany with Tony. I get that its ironman but still & he comes back beaten up what the hell. Oh well.
Mid credit scene never really lead anywhere & the end credit scene with Captain America calling us all out i adored. Yes MCU well done. Well worth the wait. Perfect.
I like the bank robbery that was fun.
There are so may Easter eggs in this, from Miles Morales to no with great power speech even though there should have been, also how Peters wardrobe gets less & less & how his phone is completely scratched & ruined by the end of the movie. There are so so many small moments in this that are just like what the hell. I could be here for about 8hours writing them all.
This is a solid Spiderman origin story, making it apart of the MCU but also making sure those who are casuals or just like Spiderman can get on bored too. Tom does a solid job & its entertaining & fun. There are a hell of a lot worse first MCU films that this. It deliver is light but can turn dark when it has to. Its very very good. Yes to the MCU owning itself in phase 3.